Have You Scheduled Your Annual AC Maintenance? Here’s Why You Should.

AC maintenance technician with unitThe spring season is zooming by, and before you know it, summer will be here. Most of us have already used our air conditioning systems this spring and will continue to do so for the next few months. That’s why it’s so important to make sure your AC system is in the best shape possible – and the easiest way to do that is by making sure it gets regular maintenance.

Of course, many people aren’t sure they need to get maintenance for their air conditioning systems each year. They might view it as an inconvenience or an unnecessary cost. But there are many benefits to choosing comprehensive maintenance from your HVAC contractor. In this article, we’ll talk about those benefits – and how Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. help. Keep reading to learn more!

5 Reasons to Schedule Air Conditioning Maintenance This Spring

If you’ve been debating whether to get AC maintenance this year, here are a few benefits to consider:

  1. Better Energy Efficiency: A well-maintained air conditioning system operates much more efficiently. Air conditioning maintenance helps ensure your system is clean, all components are in good working order, and refrigerants are at the appropriate levels. This helps your system use less energy during operation.
  2. Improved Comfort: When your air conditioning system is operating at its best, it not only uses less energy – it also keeps your home more comfortable. A properly maintained system doesn’t have to work as hard to keep your home cool, and that means better comfort for you and your family.
  3. Fewer Repairs: Like any other type of complex machine, your system may need minor repairs on occasion. That’s because parts within your AC unit will wear over time and need to be replaced. However, a small problem that goes unnoticed can lead to a major breakdown over time – and that can mean expensive repairs or even replacement. Annual maintenance can help prevent that.
  4. Better Indoor Air Quality: When air conditioner filters are dirty, they can send dust, dirt, and other particles into the air inside your home – and that can cause poor indoor air quality. Part of air conditioning maintenance is making sure the system’s filter is free of these particles – allowing you and your family to enjoy cleaner, fresher air.
  5. Maintain System Warranty: Many HVAC equipment manufacturers require regular maintenance performed by a licensed professional to keep the system warranty intact. Failure to do so could result in a voided warranty and having to pay for expensive repairs or replacement out of pocket.

A professional HVAC contractor, like Stafford Mechanical Services, can help you get the air conditioning maintenance you need for your system.

Contact Stafford Mechanical today for your AC maintenance needs.

You and your family deserve a cool, comfortable home once the warmer weather hits. At Stafford Mechanical Services, we work hard to ensure that your home is always an escape from the heat. As a full-service air conditioning contractor, we’re pleased to provide our customers with the AC maintenance they need.

We proudly service Carrier heating equipment and many other brands as well. You may contact us via phone at (860) 684-9485. We look forward to helping you with all your cooling needs.

Why Get Heating Maintenance This Fall?

saving money on heatingOnce the fall season arrives, people start to think of good times with family and friends, from holiday dinners to football get-togethers. Because it’s that time of year when we’re more likely to have company indoors, most of us want to be sure our homes are comfortable havens for our guests. That’s why it’s so important to make sure your home’s heating system is working properly.

One of the best ways to do that is by getting your heating system the seasonal maintenance it needs. Aside from ensuring that your system is ready to keep you, your family, and your guests comfortable once the chilly temperatures return, heating maintenance offers many additional benefits. In this article, we’ll talk about the benefits of heating maintenance and how Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. can help. Keep reading to learn more!

5 Reasons to Choose Heating Maintenance for Your Home

Are you still on the fence as to whether you should schedule fall maintenance for your heating equipment? Here are a few reasons why you may want to consider it:

  1. Improved Energy Efficiency: Regular maintenance can increase energy efficiency by ensuring optimal performance of the unit’s components. Filters are cleaned or changed, which improves airflow, and moving parts are lubricated or if worn, replaced, so that the system operates more smoothly. All these factors help to make the system more efficient, saving you money on energy bills.
  2. Longer Equipment Life: Seasonal maintenance can help to prolong equipment life by identifying and addressing potential issues before they become major problems, maintaining optimal performance of the unit’s components, and preventing breakdowns, thus extending the lifespan of the equipment, and reducing costly repairs and replacements.
  3. Cleaner Indoor Air: Maintenance can improve indoor air quality because it ensures that dirty or congested filters are replaced, ductwork is inspected and if necessary, maintained, and any sources of bacterial or mold contamination can be addressed. These factors help to improve the overall air quality inside the home.
  4. Safety Concerns: Maintenance can help to improve equipment safety by identifying and addressing potential hazards, especially concerning electrical connections and proper equipment component operation (such as the furnace ignitor).
  5. System Warranty: Unauthorized equipment maintenance by anyone other than a licensed HVAC contractor may void the equipment warranty. If this happens, the homeowner will likely need to pay out of pocket for any repairs or replacements that the warranty would have covered – and that can be much more costly than proper system maintenance.

Stafford Mechanical Services can help you get the heating maintenance you need.

You and your family deserve a warm, inviting home once the cooler weather hits. At Stafford Mechanical Services, we work hard to ensure that your home is always comfy. As a full-service heating contractor, we’re pleased to provide our customers with the heating maintenance they need.

We proudly service Carrier heating equipment and many other brands as well. You may contact us via phone at (860) 684-9485. We look forward to helping you with all your heating needs.

Have You Scheduled Your AC Maintenance? Here Are 5 Reasons Why You Should.

technician checks gaugesOnce spring arrives, people start to think about warmer days ahead. For many homeowners, that means ensuring that their air conditioning system is ready to keep them cool once the higher temperatures hit. Spring is a great time to make sure your air conditioning system is working properly, and one of the best ways you can do that is by getting it the preventive maintenance it needs.

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There are a few things you can do to ensure your AC system is prepared for the cooling season, such as changing dirty filters and removing any debris or vegetation from around the outdoor part of your unit. However, it’s also important to have a professional technician give your system a checkup on an annual basis. In this article, we’ll talk about why air conditioning maintenance is important, and how Stafford Mechanical Services can help.

5 Reasons to Get AC Maintenance Each Spring

Often, homeowners wonder if getting air conditioning maintenance each year is really necessary. There are many good reasons to make AC maintenance a yearly thing, which we’ve explained below:

  1. System Efficiency: Over the course of the summer, your AC system likely worked hard to keep your home cool and comfortable. When your system operates, dirt and debris can collect inside and around the moving parts. The gunk that accumulates can make your system have to work harder – and that can affect energy efficiency. Annual maintenance helps ensure your system is clean and running at the best possible efficiency.
  2. System Effectiveness: A dirty, poorly maintained system loses effectiveness over time, and it starts to become harder for the AC to keep your home cool and comfortable. You may notice that some rooms aren’t as cool as others, or that your energy bills are steadily increasing while your system isn’t performing as well as it used to. Maintenance helps prevent your system from declining in effectiveness.
  3. Manufacturer’s Warranty: Many times, equipment manufacturers require regular maintenance in order to keep the warranty in place. Failure to do so may cause your equipment’s warranty to become void, and that can mean out-of-pocket costs on expensive repairs or replacement down the road that would have been covered otherwise.
  4. Indoor Air Quality: As we’ve mentioned, AC systems often collect dirt, dust, and debris through the course of regular use. Because these particles build up in your system, they end up circulating through the air in your home whenever your air conditioner runs – and that can negatively impact the quality of the air you and your family are breathing. Maintenance helps ensure that your system and your filter are clean.
  5. Longer Life: When an air conditioning system does not receive the maintenance it needs, it may not last as long. Seasonal maintenance helps to ensure that the system is clean, operating effectively and efficiently, and all parts are in good working order. Any small problems are often discovered before they become larger ones, too – and that can help you save on a costly repair or replacement.

Can Stafford Mechanical Services help me get air conditioning maintenance?

We definitely can! At Stafford Mechanical, we offer complete air conditioning services, including annual maintenance for your system. When you need air conditioning maintenance for your home, you can count on us to assist you. We proudly service Carrier AC or any other brand. You may contact us via phone at (860) 684-9485. We look forward to helping you with all of your air conditioning needs.

Should I Get Heating Maintenance Every Year?

tree lined street in the fallNow that the summer months are over and the fall season has arrived, many people are preparing their homes for the cooler weather ahead. Most homeowners use the autumn season to make improvements to their homes, including getting their lawns ready for winter, making small repairs to their homes, and cleaning dirt and debris that has accumulated in their home’s gutters during the summer.

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Most homeowners also shut down their air conditioning systems for the season by cleaning up around their outside units and getting their AC covers in place before the snowy weather returns. This is also the time of year when you’ll want to ensure that your heating system is ready, and the best way to do that is by getting it the annual maintenance it needs.

There are a few reasons why getting fall heating maintenance is important.

Sometimes, homeowners wonder if it’s really necessary to get heating system maintenance each year. They may think it’s an unnecessary expense or may feel that their heating system is running just fine. However, there are a few good reasons to call your HVAC contractor for heating maintenance every year.

  • Better Records: Annual maintenance gives your HVAC contractor the opportunity to keep a running record of your heating system’s performance year after year, as well as any repairs that have been made. It allows for better troubleshooting should something go wrong with your heating system.
  • Improved Performance: When you get annual maintenance for your system, it will be thoroughly cleaned and tuned up. That will allow your heating system to operate more effectively and efficiently, helping you stay more comfortable and potentially save money on your energy bills.
  • Safety: Many people grew up in a home that used fuel oil as the energy source for their heating equipment. Seeing a service tech carrying a vacuum and brushes to the heating system basement was a yearly thing. Now, many homes are heated using propane or natural gas fuel for their energy-efficient systems. The vacuum and brushes are no longer necessary on this equipment. The scope of yearly maintenance has changed to checking the safety controls within the heating equipment, checking the integrity of the internals, and checking the gas pressures along with the air intakes and exhausts in order to keep your system operating safely and efficiently.
  • Longer System Life: Maintenance helps your heating system last longer. Imagine if you never changed the oil in your vehicle, or replaced worn-out tires or wiper blades. You probably wouldn’t expect your car to last very long. As a complex machine, the same goes for your heating system.
  • Cleaner Indoor Air: Through normal operation, dirt and dust collect in your heating system. When you don’t have your system and filter cleaned regularly, those particles have nowhere to go except in the air of your home. They get circulated through your duct system time and time again, reducing your home’s air quality.
  • Warranty Maintenance: Most equipment manufacturers require regular maintenance in order to keep your system’s warranty intact. Failure to get the required maintenance for your heating system can result in the warranty becoming void – and that could mean out-of-pocket expenses for you should you need repairs or a replacement.

Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. is ready to help you with your fall maintenance needs.

At Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc., we’re pleased to offer our customers the heating maintenance they need to keep their equipment running smoothly. Call us today to schedule an appointment for your annual heating maintenance. You may contact us via phone at (860) 684-9485. We look forward to helping you with all of your home comfort needs.

How Can I Keep My Indoor Air Cleaner this Allergy Season?

woman sneezing into a tissue as a result of fall allergiesWhile most people look forward to all that the late summer and early fall months have to offer, it can be a less-than-comfortable time for seasonal allergy sufferers. Fall allergies are generally caused by a number of things, but the biggest culprits include mold, ragweed, and other weed pollens. Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot to do when it comes to the air outside during this season, but you can make a difference where the air inside your home is concerned.

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There are a number of indoor air quality, or IAQ, products on the market today that help keep allergens at a minimum inside your home, helping you and your family enjoy fresher, cleaner air. In this article, we’ll talk about how some IAQ products can help clear the air in your home. Keep reading to learn more!

Combat seasonal allergies with indoor air quality products.

As we mentioned above, there are many IAQ products that can help you and your family enjoy better indoor air this allergy season. These include:

  • Air Filtration: Did you know one of the easiest ways you can keep the air in your home cleaner and fresher is simply by making sure your system’s filter is changed regularly? Air filtration is beneficial because they trap pollutants, allergens, and other pathogens that can cause poor indoor air quality.
  • Air Purification: Air purification systems offer advanced air cleaning that can help rid your home’s air of odor, air pollutants, chemical odors, smoke, mold, bacteria, and viruses. For instance, the Air Knight, one of the most advanced air purification systems on the market today, uses a unique new indoor air quality process to naturally produce ionic oxidizers that proactively seek out and purify pollutants in the air AND on surfaces.
  • Humidification: Overly dry indoor air is often associated with forced-air heating, and can exacerbate symptoms for allergy sufferers. It can cause dryness in the eyes, nose, and throat, making allergies feel even worse. Whole-house humidifiers help deliver moisture throughout your home, helping you enjoy better comfort.

Make sure your heating system is ready for cooler weather, too.

A dirty home heating system can contribute to poor indoor air quality as well. That’s because dirt, dust, and other particulates can accumulate in your system. This can be especially problematic if you have a forced air heating system (such as a furnace). When your heating system runs, these particles are distributed into the air you and your family breathe.

Fortunately, getting proper annual heating maintenance can help keep this concern at bay. During maintenance, your technician will make sure your heating system and your furnace filter are clean. They’ll also check to make sure your heating system is operating effectively and efficiently so that you’ll be able to rely on your system once the cooler weather arrives.

Can Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. help me with IAQ and heating maintenance?

At Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc., we’re pleased to offer our customers a number of indoor air quality products, and services. You’ll breathe easier with products that help clean your home’s air, making it fresher, cleaner, and more allergen-free. We can help you get the air filtration and humidification you need for greater home comfort, as well as schedule an appointment with you for your annual heating maintenance. You may contact us via phone at (860) 684-9485. We look forward to helping you with all of your home comfort needs.

Summer Energy Saving Tips for Your Home

Small Wooden House In Green EnvironmentNow that summer has begun, the chances are pretty good you’ve been running your air conditioning system. We all can appreciate coming in out of the heat into a cool, comfortable home. However, it can also mean a spike in our utility bills. In fact, the Department of Energy suggests that about 6% of the electricity produced in the United States is used by air conditioning. So how can you reduce the amount of energy your AC system uses as a homeowner?

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Fortunately, there are quite a few different ways you can help your air conditioning system operate more effectively and efficiently. One way is by making sure you call a professional for preventive maintenance each year. If you don’t get proper maintenance, your AC system will likely not perform as well and use more energy than it would otherwise. And, there are a few measures you can take as a homeowner to help your air conditioning system operate more efficiently.

5 Ways You Can Help Your AC Use Less Energy

  • Keep the Outside Unit Clean. When grass, weeds, and shrubbery grow up around the outdoor portion of your air conditioning system, it can cause it to have to use more energy to work properly. Keeping the outdoor unit free of vegetation, pests, and debris can help it operate better and more efficiently.
  • Check the Filter Regularly. Once summer is in full swing, your AC system probably is being used on a constant basis. As a result, the filter can become dirty more often, making your AC work harder and use more energy. Clean or change your filter as soon as you notice that it’s dirty.
  • Take Advantage of Ceiling Fans. Set any ceiling fans in your home to turn counterclockwise in the summer months. That helps to push the cool air down into your living space, creating a comfortable breeze.
  • Keep the Sunshine Out. Of course, we all love beautiful, sunny days. But when the sun is at its highest, draw the shades to help keep the heat at bay. Direct sunlight can quickly heat up your home, making your air conditioning system work that much harder to keep your home cool.
  • Make Sure Registers are Clear. Keeping your registers clean, and not obstructing them with furniture, rugs, and other objects allows the cool air to flow freely throughout your home. That helps your AC system deliver cooled air easily, and helps keep living areas at a more consistent temperature.

Not sure if your air conditioning system is as efficient as it should be?

Suppose you’ve noticed an increase in your energy bills, your home is not as cool as you’d like, or your indoor air seems more humid than usual. That means your air conditioning system is probably not operating at peak efficiency. It may need a cleaning and tune-up in order to operate at its best, especially if you haven’t had it maintained yet this season. If you’re concerned about your system’s efficiency, Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. can help.

At Stafford Mechanical, our expert technicians can provide you with any air conditioning services you may need, from maintenance and repair to new system installation. To learn more or to schedule an appointment with us, please give us a call at (860) 684-9485, and we’ll be happy to assist you.

5 Reasons to Get Air Conditioning Maintenance this Spring

technician performing AC maintenanceMarch means that spring has arrived, and that means warmer weather will be here soon, too. For many people, it might seem too early to start thinking about their home’s air conditioning system. But, there’s really no better time than the present to call Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. to book your spring maintenance. Appointments tend to fill up fast, so you’ll want to get one scheduled before the warm weather hits!

Of course, you might be wondering why you should even bother with annual maintenance. You might think it’s an unnecessary expense, or not really important for your system. However, there are many reasons why getting preventive maintenance is a good idea – not only for the comfort of you and your family, but for the efficiency, effectiveness, and durability of your equipment as well.

Why should I get annual maintenance for my air conditioning system?

Many people don’t really think about their home comfort system – until something goes wrong with it. But your home’s air conditioning system is a complex machine with many moving parts, and needs preventive maintenance so it can last longer and operate better. Below are five reasons why getting AC maintenance is so important – learn more:

1. Improved energy efficiency. When the coils and filter of your air conditioning system get dirty, this can make your system have to work harder than usual. Annual maintenance will provide the cleaning your system needs to run more smoothly and in turn, use less energy.

2. Cleaner indoor air. As we mentioned above, components of your air conditioner can get dirty over time. Have you ever turned on your system and instantly noticed a musty smell? That’s because your AC’s evaporator coils play host to mold and mildew. Preventive maintenance includes coil and filter cleaning – helping to keep the air in your home fresher.

3. Longer life for your equipment. Maintenance provides your air conditioning system with the vital cleaning it needs. Your technician will also check to make sure all components are working properly and that refrigerant levels are where they should be. All of these measures will help to ensure any small problems with your AC are taken care of before they become larger ones that can lead to system failure.

4. Warranty maintenance. If you look at your original manufacturer’s warranty, you might notice that in order to keep your warranty intact, you must get regular maintenance for your system. Why is this important? Should your system need larger, more expensive repairs, your warranty can help you save money. Getting annual maintenance is a good safeguard – for your AC system and your warranty!

5. More effective cooling. Of course, the primary reason why you have an air conditioning system in the first place is so you can keep your home cool all summer long – and sometimes, even into the fall. If you’ve noticed your home isn’t as cool and comfortable as usual, that’s generally a good signal that your AC need a check-up. By getting the annual maintenance your system needs, it will operate much more effectively – helping you and your family stay comfortable.

How can Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. help me get the AC maintenance I need?

At Stafford Mechanical Services, we’re pleased to provide our customers with a complete lineup of air conditioning products and services, including annual maintenance. To learn more, or to schedule your AC maintenance, all you need to do is give us a call at (860) 684-9485, and we’ll be happy to help.

The Top 5 Reasons You Need Fall Maintenance

While the autumn season is still providing us with some warm days, the chilly winter weather will be here sooner than many of us would like. You will want to make sure your heating system is ready to take on the cold weather ahead. Just like getting your vehicle inspected and tuned up, getting your heating system maintained is good practice, too. The HVAC professionals at Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. can provide you with the annual maintenance your system needs to keep you warm all winter long.

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You can count on our highly-skilled heating technicians to help you with your heating maintenance needs, effectively and efficiently. However, you might be wondering why you even need to think about heating maintenance in the first place. Believe it or not, there are many important reasons why you should choose annual maintenance for your heating system, from better efficiency to warranty maintenance. Learn more about the benefits of heating maintenance below.

Why You Should Choose Heating Maintenance for Your Home

  • Improved Efficiency. Heating maintenance includes cleaning your system, replacing a dirty filter, and proper lubrication of mechanical parts. Your system will work much better, helping to improve energy efficiency – which can help you save on heating bills!
  • Better Air Quality. Heating systems, especially forced-air systems like furnaces, can blow dust and other particles throughout your home. Often, a dirty air filter is a cause. With heating maintenance, the dirty filter will be replaced or cleaned, helping to improve the air quality in your home.
  • Longer System Life. Your vehicle probably wouldn’t last too long if you never changed the oil or got new tires. The same goes for your heating system. Not getting yearly cleanings and check-ups can lead to system failure later on – and possibly premature replacement.
  • Fewer Expensive Repairs. Part of your annual maintenance includes a full system check-up, which can locate small, easy-to-fix issues before they become larger ones. Taking care of problems earlier than later can help prevent system failure – and a much more expensive repair or even replacement – down the road.
  • Maintaining the Warranty. Many people do not realize that most heating equipment manufacturers require maintenance to keep the warranty intact. Failure to get heating maintenance per your warranty’s requirements can void it – leaving you to pay out-of-pocket expenses that would otherwise be covered.

Stafford Mechanical can help you get the heating maintenance you need this fall.

Getting the annual heating maintenance you need is as easy as calling Stafford Mechanical at (860) 684-9485. We will be more than happy to schedule an appointment with you. Keep us in mind for your heating repair and installation needs, too.

Need Air Conditioning Maintenance? Stafford Mechanical Can Help!

The air conditioning system you have installed in your home was likely a costly investment. Much like a vehicle, your AC system works hard to provide for you, and, like your car, it’s a complex machine with many moving parts. Of course, you have your car maintained on a regular basis – making sure it gets the oil changes, tune-ups and small repairs it needs to keep running perfectly for you. You also need to do the same thing for your air conditioning system.

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During the heat of the summer, it’s likely your AC system runs most of the time, keeping your home cool and your family comfortable. It’s important to know that this frequent running can cause wear and tear on your system. Your best bet? Choosing air conditioning preventive maintenance services from a reliable HVAC contractor, like Stafford Mechanical Services. When you choose to work with us, you’ll discover the benefits of annual AC maintenance.

Here’s how AC maintenance can help your system perform better.

Many people don’t know the direct benefits air conditioning maintenance offers their system. There are several reasons to choose annual preventive maintenance, however, that will help preserve your system. Here are just a few reasons why you should consider AC maintenance for your system:

  • Your system will operate more effectively. This just stands to reason, because maintenance cleans your system and makes sure all the moving parts are working at top performance. And, getting maintenance annually can help ensure that your system works great not just this summer, but for years to come.
  • Your AC will be more efficient. An air conditioning system that has to operate while dirty, or with vital components not working as well as they should, takes more energy than a system that receives regular maintenance. A well-maintained system is more efficient, and can help you save money on your utility bills.
  • Your indoor air quality may improve. As we said previously, if you’re system isn’t well-maintained, the chances are it’s also dirty. And that can mean contaminants are being circulated throughout your indoor air every time your air conditioner runs. Annual maintenance means your system is thoroughly cleaned – reducing particulates in your home’s air.
  • Your warranty will remain intact. People may not realize this, but most of the time HVAC manufacturers require regular system maintenance to keep the warranty intact. If you fail to get maintenance and your system breaks down, you might end up with a voided warranty – and a large repair bill that otherwise may have been covered.
  • You probably won’t have to deal with a major breakdown. Nobody wants to find out that their AC system needs repairs. But one of the benefits of regular maintenance is that your HVAC technician will spot small problems before they become larger ones. So you’ll be able to remedy the concern right away, so it doesn’t become an expensive repair down the road.

Stafford Mechanical can help you get the air conditioning maintenance you need.

We take great pride in not only providing our customers with top of the line equipment from brands such as Carrier®; we are also pleased to offer you professional services from our expert technicians. So, if you need to schedule annual air conditioning maintenance, give us a call at (860) 684-9485. We’ll be happy to help with all your home comfort needs.

6 Ways to Make Your Home More Efficient This Winter

Model of a home with a scarf wrapped around itWhen winter arrives, not only does the air become more chilling – so do your energy bills. There are many reasons why the winter months tend to sap energy from our homes. Of course, there’s the need to heat your home, and that is always a large expenditure – in fact, the Department of Energy (DOE) indicates that heating your home accounts for about 45 percent of your energy bill. Add to that the added cost of lighting your home as the days are shorter, and your utility budget can make quite an impact on your wallet.

Increase energy efficiency
in your home this winter!
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Fortunately, there are ways you can save energy during the winter that can help when it comes time for the utility bills. The DOE offers up a few tricks and tips that can keep heating bills manageable, all while helping you keep your home warmer and more comfortable for you and your family. An added benefit? Putting these tips into effect this winter will also help keep your home cooler once Old Man Winter leaves town and the warmer weather arrives again!

Six Tips to Increase Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

  1. Make good use of your curtains. During the winter, open your curtains to let the sunshine in during the day, which will naturally provide a heat source for your home. Then, close them at night to help keep the heat inside. (Reverse the process in the summer.)
  2. Install a programmable or smart thermostat. That way, you can set your heater back a few degrees while you’re away or sleeping – a set it and forget it solution! Of course, if you have a smart thermostat, you can easily control temperatures, right from your smartphone or laptop!
  3. Ensure your home is protected against the elements. Many homes need air sealing, even if there are just small cracks or holes. And, if your home isn’t well-insulated, consider increasing the insulation. It can help keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.
  4. And while you’re at it… Seal your air ducts, too, and make sure they’re properly insulated. This is especially important if they’re installed in an unheated area of your home, like a crawl space or an attic.
  5. Check doors and windows. Often, they’re not completely airtight around their perimeters, and this can cause heated or cooled air to slip out, and cold or hot air from outside to come in. Fortunately, adding some weatherstripping around doors and windows is a simple solution.
  6. Be a fan of your fans. Ceiling fans, that is. By setting your fans to spin clockwise in the winter, they’ll blow the heated air that rises back down. Obviously, you’ll want to set them counterclockwise during the summer months.

And, make sure you have a reliable contractor to help you with any heating concern.

When you choose Stafford Mechanical Services to help with your home heating, we’ll make sure your heating system is running as efficiently as possible, by providing you with annual maintenance and reliable, fast repair services. And, when the time comes to replace your system, we’ll offer you quality, high-efficiency Carrier® heating equipment. So, give us a call today at (860) 684-9485 to learn more about the products and services we provide. We look forward to helping you with all of your heating needs, including installation, maintenance and repair.