How Do I Know if I Need Air Conditioning Repair?

Woman Felling Hot During Summer Setting Her ThermostatAs summer temperatures rise, your air conditioner becomes essential for maintaining a comfortable home. However, like any appliance, it can experience issues over time. Recognizing the signs that your AC needs repair can help you address problems early and avoid costly breakdowns.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the warnings your air conditioning system may give you if it’s in need of repair, and we’ll tell you how Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. can help. Keep reading below to learn more!

7 Signs You Need Air Conditioning Repair

Worried that your air conditioning system isn’t performing as well as it should this summer? Here are seven common indicators that your air conditioner might need professional attention:

  1. Unusual Noises: If your air conditioner starts making strange sounds like clanking, rattling, or grinding, it could be a sign of loose or damaged components. These noises often indicate that something inside the unit is not functioning correctly and needs immediate attention.
  2. Inconsistent Cooling: Do you notice hot and cold spots in different areas of your home? Inconsistent cooling can be a sign of obstructed vents, problematic ductwork, or a malfunctioning thermostat. Ensuring uniform cooling is crucial for both comfort and efficiency.
  3. Weak Airflow: Reduced or weak airflow from your vents is a clear indication that your air conditioner is not performing at its best. Blocked air filters, obstructed ducts, or malfunctioning blower fans can cause this issue. Addressing weak airflow promptly can prevent further damage to your system.
  4. Foul Odors: Unpleasant smells coming from your AC system can make your living space uncomfortable. Musty, moldy, or burning odors may signal mold growth, a clogged drain line, or electrical problems within the unit. Identifying and addressing these smells is essential for maintaining good air quality and system functionality.
  5. Skyrocketing Energy Bills: An unexplained increase in your energy bills could be linked to an inefficient air conditioning system. Worn-out components, refrigerant leaks, or other underlying problems can cause your AC to work harder and consume more energy. Monitoring your energy usage can help you catch these issues early.
  6. Frequent Cycling: If your air conditioner frequently turns on and off, it might struggle to maintain the set temperature. This issue, known as short cycling, can be caused by several factors, including a malfunctioning thermostat, low refrigerant levels, or an oversized unit. Frequent cycling puts extra strain on your system and should be addressed promptly.
  7. Moisture or Leaks: Any signs of moisture or leaks around your air conditioner should not be ignored. These could indicate a refrigerant leak or a blocked drain tube. Both issues can lead to more significant problems if not resolved quickly.

Being aware of these signs can help you catch air conditioning problems early and ensure your home remains cool and comfortable throughout the summer. If you notice any of these issues, it’s best to contact a professional HVAC technician to diagnose and repair your system.

Count on Stafford Mechanical Services for your AC repair needs.

You and your family deserve a cool, comfortable home once the warmer weather hits. At Stafford Mechanical Services, we work hard to ensure that your home is always an escape from the heat. As a full-service air conditioning contractor, we’re pleased to provide our customers with the AC repair services they need.

We proudly service Carrier heating equipment and many other brands as well. You may contact us via phone at (860) 684-9485. We look forward to helping you with all your cooling needs.

Have You Scheduled Your Annual AC Maintenance? Here’s Why You Should.

AC maintenance technician with unitThe spring season is zooming by, and before you know it, summer will be here. Most of us have already used our air conditioning systems this spring and will continue to do so for the next few months. That’s why it’s so important to make sure your AC system is in the best shape possible – and the easiest way to do that is by making sure it gets regular maintenance.

Of course, many people aren’t sure they need to get maintenance for their air conditioning systems each year. They might view it as an inconvenience or an unnecessary cost. But there are many benefits to choosing comprehensive maintenance from your HVAC contractor. In this article, we’ll talk about those benefits – and how Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. help. Keep reading to learn more!

5 Reasons to Schedule Air Conditioning Maintenance This Spring

If you’ve been debating whether to get AC maintenance this year, here are a few benefits to consider:

  1. Better Energy Efficiency: A well-maintained air conditioning system operates much more efficiently. Air conditioning maintenance helps ensure your system is clean, all components are in good working order, and refrigerants are at the appropriate levels. This helps your system use less energy during operation.
  2. Improved Comfort: When your air conditioning system is operating at its best, it not only uses less energy – it also keeps your home more comfortable. A properly maintained system doesn’t have to work as hard to keep your home cool, and that means better comfort for you and your family.
  3. Fewer Repairs: Like any other type of complex machine, your system may need minor repairs on occasion. That’s because parts within your AC unit will wear over time and need to be replaced. However, a small problem that goes unnoticed can lead to a major breakdown over time – and that can mean expensive repairs or even replacement. Annual maintenance can help prevent that.
  4. Better Indoor Air Quality: When air conditioner filters are dirty, they can send dust, dirt, and other particles into the air inside your home – and that can cause poor indoor air quality. Part of air conditioning maintenance is making sure the system’s filter is free of these particles – allowing you and your family to enjoy cleaner, fresher air.
  5. Maintain System Warranty: Many HVAC equipment manufacturers require regular maintenance performed by a licensed professional to keep the system warranty intact. Failure to do so could result in a voided warranty and having to pay for expensive repairs or replacement out of pocket.

A professional HVAC contractor, like Stafford Mechanical Services, can help you get the air conditioning maintenance you need for your system.

Contact Stafford Mechanical today for your AC maintenance needs.

You and your family deserve a cool, comfortable home once the warmer weather hits. At Stafford Mechanical Services, we work hard to ensure that your home is always an escape from the heat. As a full-service air conditioning contractor, we’re pleased to provide our customers with the AC maintenance they need.

We proudly service Carrier heating equipment and many other brands as well. You may contact us via phone at (860) 684-9485. We look forward to helping you with all your cooling needs.

Seasonal Transitions Are Easier with Ductless

During the months of September and October, the temperature outside can fluctuate greatly. It’s often impossible to know if the days will be warm and sunny, or chilly and cloudy. This can make it difficult to keep your home comfortable. Fortunately, there is an all-in-one solution that can help you stay nice and comfortable, no matter what the weather is like outside – ductless cooling and heating.

Ductless systems are a perfect choice for people who do not have ductwork in their homes. Generally, a home that uses baseboard heating likely does not have ductwork. This makes it extremely difficult and obtrusive to install central air conditioning, so many homeowners without ductwork must rely on window air conditioning to stay cool in the summer. Unfortunately, this can leave homeowners with chilly drafts during the transitional months. Ductless systems offer a solution that provides both better efficiency and comfort.

How do ductless systems provide both cooling and heating?

Ductless systems are generally installed as individual units per room or zone. They usually are straightforward to install, with technicians only needing to drill a small hole to connect the indoor and outdoor components. Most ductless systems then use heat pump technology to cool and heat the spaces in which they’ve been installed.

Because they use heat pump technology, they can keep homes cool in the summer and warm in the winter. They do this by transferring heat from one space to another. In the summer months, they remove the heat from the indoor air and transfer it outside. The process is reversed during the winter months, extracting heat from the outdoor air, and moving it inside. Modern ductless systems have been developed to work even in colder climates, so people can rely on them to provide the heating they in chilly weather.

What are some other benefits of ductless cooling and heating?

Aside from providing year-round comfort, ductless systems offer many other benefits, including:

  • Energy Efficiency: Because they use heat pump technology, ductless systems are usually highly energy efficient. According to the Department of Energy, they can offer up to 50 percent energy savings compared to baseboard heating. Not to mention, ductless systems are much more efficient than most window or room air conditioners, and you won’t have to deal with them taking up living space or blocking your view.
  • Improved Indoor Air Quality: Each ductless unit has its own filter, which helps to clear the air of dust, dirt, and other particulates so you can count on the air being cleaner in your home. Additionally, ductless systems work great at keeping humidity levels where they should be in your home, helping reduce bacterial and mold growth.
  • Quiet, Unobtrusive Operation: Most people who own ductless systems are impressed by how quiet they are – much quieter than window air conditioning. And, because they’re mounted high on a wall or in the ceiling, you won’t have the worry of them taking up floor space in your home or becoming a fire or burn hazard, as can happen with space heaters or baseboard heating.

Can Stafford Mechanical Services provide ductless cooling and heating for my home?

We can! At Stafford Mechanical, we offer complete HVAC services, including ductless system installation, maintenance, and repair. When you need ductless cooling and heating for your home, you can count on us to assist you. You may contact us via phone at (860) 684-9485. We look forward to helping you with all your ductless needs.

Should I Consider a Geothermal Heat Pump System for My Home?

globeMost people can agree that nothing feels better on a hot, humid day than the cool comfort provided by an air conditioning system. But some homeowners avoid getting a system for their home because they’re concerned about both energy usage and environmental impact. Today, there are many options available that provide both energy-efficient cooling, as well as a smaller carbon footprint. One of those options is geothermal cooling and heating.

What is Geothermal Cooling?

Geothermal cooling works by absorbing the heat from your home and transferring it underground where the cooler earth absorbs it. A geothermal system consists of a heat pump inside your house and vertical loops buried in the ground outside your house. The heat pump circulates a fluid mixture through the loop, which acts as a heat exchanger. In the summer, the heat pump removes heat from the air inside your house and transfers it to the fluid, which then releases it to the cooler ground. This leaves only cold air inside your house. During the winter months, the process is reversed, pumping heat from the ground into your home.

What are some of the benefits of having geothermal cooling and heating installed in my home?

We briefly explained some of the benefits above regarding geothermal, such as better efficiency and smaller environmental impact. Here are a few more details about the benefits of geothermal:

  • Energy efficiency: Geothermal is very energy efficient, which can save you money on your energy bills. In fact, geothermal systems can save you up to 50% on your heating and cooling costs.
  • Improved home comfort: A geothermal system provides a consistent level of comfort throughout the year, regardless of the outside temperature. That means it can also be used to heat your home in the winter. Instead of pumping the hot air out of your home, it extracts the heat from the ground and pumps it inside, making it a great solution for year-round comfort.
  • Environmentally sound: Geothermal is a renewable energy source, so it is good for the environment. Because it does not require fossil fuels to operate, it does not produce any emissions, so it is a good choice for people who are concerned about air quality.
  • Long lifespan: Geothermal systems have a long lifespan, so you can expect to get many years of use out of them. In fact, the Department of Energy indicates that a properly installed and maintained geothermal system can last for more than 20 years.
  • Incentives: Often, government agencies and manufacturers provide rebates and incentives that can help make geothermal heat pump systems a more attractive choice for homeowners.

What are some of the concerns about geothermal heat pump systems?

While a geothermal system can be a great choice for homeowners looking to save energy and enjoy year-round comfort, there are a few concerns people have when it comes to choosing it. One issue is cost. Geothermal systems are often more expensive than their traditional counterparts, but it’s important to note that energy savings are often enough to offset initial costs. Another concern is space. It’s important to have a qualified HVAC contractor look at your property to ensure there is enough area to install a geothermal system.

Can Stafford Mechanical Services tell me more about geothermal systems?

We can! At Stafford Mechanical, we’re pleased to offer our customers geothermal installation, maintenance, and repair. We can help you decide if a geothermal system is right for your home, and make sure you get the services you need after installation. To learn more about installing a heat pump system in your home, contact us via phone at (860) 684-9485. We look forward to helping you with all your geothermal heat pump needs.

How Do I Know If I Need a New Air Conditioning System?

couple is feeling the heat under an AC system that is not working properlyOnce the good old summertime rolls in, many people rely on the cool comfort of air conditioning. Your air conditioning system works hard all summer long to help keep your home at a comfortable temperature. And, if it is well-maintained, your air conditioning system should last a long time, up to 15 years. Unfortunately, the older an AC system gets, the harder it may be for it to keep up with the demands of cooling your home.

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Usually, you’ll begin to see some telltale signs that will let you know that it may be time to consider a new air conditioning system. In this article, we’ll talk about some of the things to look for if you suspect your AC is on its way out, and how Stafford Mechanical Services can help you when it comes time to replace your system. Keep reading to learn more!

Signs Your AC System May Need Replacement

Nobody wants to think about the expense of having to replace an air conditioning system, but the truth is, it can end up costing you more money in the long run to keep an old, outdated system going. Here are a few ways to tell if your system may need to be replaced:

  1. Your energy bills keep increasing. AC systems use energy to operate, and as such you can expect that your utility bills may increase during the summer months. But if you’ve noticed a dramatic spike in your energy bills this summer, there’s a good chance that your air conditioning system is using more energy than it once did to do the same job.
  2. Your system’s refrigerant is expensive to replace. Older systems often develop refrigerant leaks, and your technician will need to recharge it so the system can work properly. If your system uses an older refrigerant, like R-22, it can be very costly to recharge, and may even be impossible.
  3. Your AC is not effectively cooling your home. As air conditioning systems age, it becomes harder for them to provide the same level of cooling as they did when they were first installed. And, many homeowners change the layout of their homes, convert unused rooms into living quarters, or add space over the years – and that means the AC system is often no longer the proper size.
  4. Your system is making unusual noises and/or you notice strange odors. When components inside your AC system are breaking down, you might notice squealing or grinding sounds coming from your unit. You may also notice foul odors that smell like melting plastic or burning rubber. If you notice any of these sounds or odors, you should turn off your system and call a professional.
  5. Repairs are needed more frequently and have become more expensive. Older systems may need repairs on a more frequent basis, as components within the system age and succumb to wear and tear. System components like compressors can be very expensive if they need to be replaced. If the cost of the repair is more than 50 percent of the current value of your system, replacement is recommended.

As you can see, high energy use, expensive and hard-to-find refrigerants, and frequent, costly repairs can often outweigh the cost of replacing an air conditioning system. So, if you have an older system in your home that’s experiencing any of the above concerns, a replacement may be in order.

How can Stafford Mechanical Services help?

At Stafford Mechanical Services, we provide a comprehensive list of air conditioning services, including repair, maintenance, and new system installation. We can help troubleshoot your AC system and help you decide if repair or replacement is more feasible. And, if you decide to replace your old system, we will go over all your options with you and will provide you with expert installation of the quality system you choose. We are a proud Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer and are pleased to install high-quality Carrier air conditioning systems in our customers’ homes. If you’re considering replacing an old air conditioner in your home, Stafford Mechanical is ready to help you. Simply give us a call at (860) 684-9485 and we’ll be happy to schedule an appointment with you.

Dreading the Thought of Window AC? Ductless Cooling is an Option.

Happy young lady regulate climate at home using ac deviceMost people love the idea of coming home to cool comfort once the temperatures start to heat up outside. Nothing beats the heat like an air-conditioned home, but for homeowners who do not have ductwork in their homes, central AC is not an option. Oftentimes, people with boiler, baseboard, or other forms of radiant heat rely on window air conditioning to keep them cool.

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Unfortunately, there are a few drawbacks when it comes to window AC. As anyone who has used a window unit can attest, they can be very noisy. And, they can be inefficient, especially older models that use outdated types of refrigerant. The good news is, there is an option for people who would like to ditch their window AC units and enjoy cool comfort – ductless air conditioning.

Learn more about ductless air conditioning systems.

You may have heard of ductless AC, but not really be sure what it is or how it can benefit your home. Ductless air conditioning is pretty much what the name implies – air conditioning that does not require ductwork to keep your home cool. And, there are some real advantages to choosing ductless AC for your home.

  • Energy Efficiency: Most ductless systems use heat pump technology in order to keep your home comfortable. Heat pumps offer highly efficient home comfort, and that can help you save on your energy bills.
  • Ease of Installation: When you have ductless cooling installed in your home, you won’t have to wait days to enjoy the benefits. Ductless systems can usually be installed in one or two days. Not to mention, they require minimal construction – the indoor and outdoor units are connected via a small-diameter conduit – so only a small hole will need to be drilled.
  • Quiet Comfort: Most people who have ductless systems in their homes remark about the quiet operation – many compare it to a whisper. That means you can enjoy better comfort without the distraction of a loud AC unit running in the background, which is typical with window AC.
  • Discreet Installation: Ductless systems are typically installed high on a wall or in the ceiling, so they won’t take up living space. You won’t have to worry about your view being obstructed as you would with window AC or loss of floor space like you would with a portable unit.
  • Year-Round Comfort: One of the main benefits of ductless is that often, one unit can provide both cooling and heating. This makes them a great choice if you’re also looking to replace old, inefficient electric baseboard heating.

Can Stafford Mechanical Services help me get ductless for my home?

We definitely can! At Stafford Mechanical, we offer complete air conditioning services, including ductless system installation, maintenance, and repair. When you need ductless cooling and heating for your home, you can count on us to assist you. You may contact us via phone at (860) 684-9485. We look forward to helping you with all your ductless needs.

Have You Scheduled Your AC Maintenance? Here Are 5 Reasons Why You Should.

technician checks gaugesOnce spring arrives, people start to think about warmer days ahead. For many homeowners, that means ensuring that their air conditioning system is ready to keep them cool once the higher temperatures hit. Spring is a great time to make sure your air conditioning system is working properly, and one of the best ways you can do that is by getting it the preventive maintenance it needs.

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There are a few things you can do to ensure your AC system is prepared for the cooling season, such as changing dirty filters and removing any debris or vegetation from around the outdoor part of your unit. However, it’s also important to have a professional technician give your system a checkup on an annual basis. In this article, we’ll talk about why air conditioning maintenance is important, and how Stafford Mechanical Services can help.

5 Reasons to Get AC Maintenance Each Spring

Often, homeowners wonder if getting air conditioning maintenance each year is really necessary. There are many good reasons to make AC maintenance a yearly thing, which we’ve explained below:

  1. System Efficiency: Over the course of the summer, your AC system likely worked hard to keep your home cool and comfortable. When your system operates, dirt and debris can collect inside and around the moving parts. The gunk that accumulates can make your system have to work harder – and that can affect energy efficiency. Annual maintenance helps ensure your system is clean and running at the best possible efficiency.
  2. System Effectiveness: A dirty, poorly maintained system loses effectiveness over time, and it starts to become harder for the AC to keep your home cool and comfortable. You may notice that some rooms aren’t as cool as others, or that your energy bills are steadily increasing while your system isn’t performing as well as it used to. Maintenance helps prevent your system from declining in effectiveness.
  3. Manufacturer’s Warranty: Many times, equipment manufacturers require regular maintenance in order to keep the warranty in place. Failure to do so may cause your equipment’s warranty to become void, and that can mean out-of-pocket costs on expensive repairs or replacement down the road that would have been covered otherwise.
  4. Indoor Air Quality: As we’ve mentioned, AC systems often collect dirt, dust, and debris through the course of regular use. Because these particles build up in your system, they end up circulating through the air in your home whenever your air conditioner runs – and that can negatively impact the quality of the air you and your family are breathing. Maintenance helps ensure that your system and your filter are clean.
  5. Longer Life: When an air conditioning system does not receive the maintenance it needs, it may not last as long. Seasonal maintenance helps to ensure that the system is clean, operating effectively and efficiently, and all parts are in good working order. Any small problems are often discovered before they become larger ones, too – and that can help you save on a costly repair or replacement.

Can Stafford Mechanical Services help me get air conditioning maintenance?

We definitely can! At Stafford Mechanical, we offer complete air conditioning services, including annual maintenance for your system. When you need air conditioning maintenance for your home, you can count on us to assist you. We proudly service Carrier AC or any other brand. You may contact us via phone at (860) 684-9485. We look forward to helping you with all of your air conditioning needs.

Keep Your Whole Home Cool with Ductless

woman relaxing on couch using remote to control ductless unitMost people enjoy the fun in the sun that the summer months have to offer, but they also like being able to escape the heat in a cool, comfortable home. Some may find, though, that there are areas of their home that are simply not as cool as they’d like once the outdoor temperatures start to rise.

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If you have an addition, a space that has been converted into a living area (such as a garage or attic), or a finished basement, those areas may not be connected to your central air conditioning system. If that’s the case, ductless cooling may be the right solution for you. In this article, we’ll talk about the advantages of adding a ductless air conditioning system to your home.

How can ductless improve my comfort and help keep my home cool?

Ductless cooling offers many benefits, whether you choose it to keep a single area in your home cool, or the entire house. For people who don’t have ductwork in their homes (for instance, homes with radiant or baseboard heat), ductless air conditioning is a great option. And, as we mentioned above, it also works well in areas of the home that don’t have access to the duct system like additions or converted spaces. Here are a few reasons why you might consider ductless for your home cooling needs:

  • Energy Efficiency: Ductless cooling is a very efficient air conditioning choice. It is much more efficient than window air conditioning, and when used in conjunction with a central air conditioning system, it can help keep your home cooler and help your existing AC system work more efficiently as well.
  • Ease of Installation: If your home doesn’t have ductwork, a ductless system will be far easier to install than a system that needs ducts to cool your home. Adding ductwork is often impractical or even impossible. Fortunately, a ductless AC system can be installed with minimal construction, as a small-diameter hole to connect the indoor and outdoor unit is all that is needed.
  • Targeted Comfort: Because you can easily control your ductless unit via remote (or even by a smartphone application for some units), you’ll be able to keep your room at the exact temperature you’d like, simply by the push of a button.
  • Quiet Operation: Unlike window units that can be very noisy, ductless air conditioning systems are whisper-quiet, so you’ll only notice that you’re more comfortable. And, they won’t obstruct your view, as they’re usually mounted high on a wall or in the ceiling.
  • Year-Round Comfort: Many ductless systems are operated via a heat pump, so they not only can provide air conditioning during the summer months but heating during the winter. This makes them the perfect option for people who are considering replacing their old baseboard heating system.

Can Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. install ductless cooling in my home?

We can! We are pleased to offer complete ductless air conditioning services, including installation, maintenance, and repair. We can help you choose the best ductless configuration for your home, and our professional technicians will install your new system promptly. To learn more or to schedule an appointment with us, please give us a call at (860) 684-9485, and we’ll be happy to assist you.

Summer Energy Saving Tips for Your Home

Small Wooden House In Green EnvironmentNow that summer has begun, the chances are pretty good you’ve been running your air conditioning system. We all can appreciate coming in out of the heat into a cool, comfortable home. However, it can also mean a spike in our utility bills. In fact, the Department of Energy suggests that about 6% of the electricity produced in the United States is used by air conditioning. So how can you reduce the amount of energy your AC system uses as a homeowner?

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Fortunately, there are quite a few different ways you can help your air conditioning system operate more effectively and efficiently. One way is by making sure you call a professional for preventive maintenance each year. If you don’t get proper maintenance, your AC system will likely not perform as well and use more energy than it would otherwise. And, there are a few measures you can take as a homeowner to help your air conditioning system operate more efficiently.

5 Ways You Can Help Your AC Use Less Energy

  • Keep the Outside Unit Clean. When grass, weeds, and shrubbery grow up around the outdoor portion of your air conditioning system, it can cause it to have to use more energy to work properly. Keeping the outdoor unit free of vegetation, pests, and debris can help it operate better and more efficiently.
  • Check the Filter Regularly. Once summer is in full swing, your AC system probably is being used on a constant basis. As a result, the filter can become dirty more often, making your AC work harder and use more energy. Clean or change your filter as soon as you notice that it’s dirty.
  • Take Advantage of Ceiling Fans. Set any ceiling fans in your home to turn counterclockwise in the summer months. That helps to push the cool air down into your living space, creating a comfortable breeze.
  • Keep the Sunshine Out. Of course, we all love beautiful, sunny days. But when the sun is at its highest, draw the shades to help keep the heat at bay. Direct sunlight can quickly heat up your home, making your air conditioning system work that much harder to keep your home cool.
  • Make Sure Registers are Clear. Keeping your registers clean, and not obstructing them with furniture, rugs, and other objects allows the cool air to flow freely throughout your home. That helps your AC system deliver cooled air easily, and helps keep living areas at a more consistent temperature.

Not sure if your air conditioning system is as efficient as it should be?

Suppose you’ve noticed an increase in your energy bills, your home is not as cool as you’d like, or your indoor air seems more humid than usual. That means your air conditioning system is probably not operating at peak efficiency. It may need a cleaning and tune-up in order to operate at its best, especially if you haven’t had it maintained yet this season. If you’re concerned about your system’s efficiency, Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. can help.

At Stafford Mechanical, our expert technicians can provide you with any air conditioning services you may need, from maintenance and repair to new system installation. To learn more or to schedule an appointment with us, please give us a call at (860) 684-9485, and we’ll be happy to assist you.

Need to Update Your Home Comfort System? Consider Ductless.

young woman sits on couch using remote control for ductless systemHomeowners with electric baseboard heat often think they don’t have many options when it comes to updating their home comfort system. They may not have ductwork in their home, and they might have limited space to add ductwork for a traditional centralized system. Not to mention, adding ductwork to a home that doesn’t already have it can be a costly venture. Fortunately, today there is a great option – ductless heat pump systems.

Ductless heat pump systems do not require ductwork to operate, and there is very minimal construction required for installation. Whether a homeowner needs just one ductless unit for a room that is not attached to the home’s duct system or needs multiple units throughout for whole-home comfort, there is a ductless configuration for virtually any need. And the best part? A ductless heat pump system can offer year-round comfort.

How Ductless Can Meet Your Year-Round Comfort Needs

Most people who have baseboard electric heat know that it can be a nuisance, and often inefficient. They also know that if they want cooling in the summer, they’ll have to use window or room air conditioning, which can be cumbersome and expensive to operate. This is where a ductless heat pump system can help.

Ductless heat pump systems not only keep your home warm during the winter but can also help it stay cool in the summer. It does this by transferring heat from the air. In the colder months, it can extract heat from the air outside (yes, there is even some heat even in chillier air) and bring it indoors. Conversely, in the summer months, it can send the heat in the air inside the home outdoors. As a result, ductless serves as a heating system and cooling system in one!

How Ductless Helps You Save Money

Of course, most homeowners want to know that they’ll enjoy some energy savings when they install a new home comfort system. The good news is, ductless heat pump systems are highly efficient. In fact, ENERGY STAR estimates that ductless systems can reduce heating costs by 60 percent in comparison to an electric-based heating system, and can cut air conditioning costs by 30 percent when compared to window or room AC units. So, with ductless you’ll not only be more comfortable year-round, you’ll save on your energy bills as well!

Another way a ductless system helps homeowners save money is by providing targeted comfort from room to room. Generally speaking, each room (or zone) of a house is equipped with its own ductless unit. And since each unit is easily controlled via its own remote, you’ll have a much easier time maintaining your home’s temperature from room to room. And unlike traditional systems, ductless units do not take a long time to warm up or cool down a space.

Finally, some homeowners are concerned about the up-front cost of ductless heat pump systems versus electric baseboard systems. While ductless is a bit more expensive to install initially, there are often many rebates and incentives available on systems that can help bring the cost down. And, the overall energy savings usually quickly recoup any of the additional expense of installing a ductless system.

How to Get Ductless Heating & Cooling from Stafford Mechanical Services

If ductless heating and cooling sound like a good option for your home, the next step is to call Stafford Mechanical Services. Our ductless heat pump systems are of the best quality and installed in your home by our professional technicians. To learn more or to schedule an appointment with us, please give us a call at (860) 684-9485, and we’ll be happy to help.