Need to Update Your Home Comfort System? Consider Ductless.

young woman sits on couch using remote control for ductless systemHomeowners with electric baseboard heat often think they don’t have many options when it comes to updating their home comfort system. They may not have ductwork in their home, and they might have limited space to add ductwork for a traditional centralized system. Not to mention, adding ductwork to a home that doesn’t already have it can be a costly venture. Fortunately, today there is a great option – ductless heat pump systems.

Ductless heat pump systems do not require ductwork to operate, and there is very minimal construction required for installation. Whether a homeowner needs just one ductless unit for a room that is not attached to the home’s duct system or needs multiple units throughout for whole-home comfort, there is a ductless configuration for virtually any need. And the best part? A ductless heat pump system can offer year-round comfort.

How Ductless Can Meet Your Year-Round Comfort Needs

Most people who have baseboard electric heat know that it can be a nuisance, and often inefficient. They also know that if they want cooling in the summer, they’ll have to use window or room air conditioning, which can be cumbersome and expensive to operate. This is where a ductless heat pump system can help.

Ductless heat pump systems not only keep your home warm during the winter but can also help it stay cool in the summer. It does this by transferring heat from the air. In the colder months, it can extract heat from the air outside (yes, there is even some heat even in chillier air) and bring it indoors. Conversely, in the summer months, it can send the heat in the air inside the home outdoors. As a result, ductless serves as a heating system and cooling system in one!

How Ductless Helps You Save Money

Of course, most homeowners want to know that they’ll enjoy some energy savings when they install a new home comfort system. The good news is, ductless heat pump systems are highly efficient. In fact, ENERGY STAR estimates that ductless systems can reduce heating costs by 60 percent in comparison to an electric-based heating system, and can cut air conditioning costs by 30 percent when compared to window or room AC units. So, with ductless you’ll not only be more comfortable year-round, you’ll save on your energy bills as well!

Another way a ductless system helps homeowners save money is by providing targeted comfort from room to room. Generally speaking, each room (or zone) of a house is equipped with its own ductless unit. And since each unit is easily controlled via its own remote, you’ll have a much easier time maintaining your home’s temperature from room to room. And unlike traditional systems, ductless units do not take a long time to warm up or cool down a space.

Finally, some homeowners are concerned about the up-front cost of ductless heat pump systems versus electric baseboard systems. While ductless is a bit more expensive to install initially, there are often many rebates and incentives available on systems that can help bring the cost down. And, the overall energy savings usually quickly recoup any of the additional expense of installing a ductless system.

How to Get Ductless Heating & Cooling from Stafford Mechanical Services

If ductless heating and cooling sound like a good option for your home, the next step is to call Stafford Mechanical Services. Our ductless heat pump systems are of the best quality and installed in your home by our professional technicians. To learn more or to schedule an appointment with us, please give us a call at (860) 684-9485, and we’ll be happy to help.

How Can I Help My Air Conditioning System Operate More Efficiently?

grass cutout in the shape of a houseHaving an air conditioning system in your home is one of the best ways you can help your family stay comfortable during the hottest months of the year. Of course, your AC system relies on energy to operate, and you’ll probably see an increase in your energy bills during the summer months. In fact, the Department of Energy notes that average homeowners can attribute 6 percent of their annual energy costs to home cooling.

As a result, it’s important to ensure that your home’s air conditioning system is operating as effectively and efficiently as possible. But what can you do to keep your home nice and cool, all while keeping your energy usage as low as possible? Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to help with your air conditioning system’s efficiency – today!

5 Steps You Can Take Today for Better AC Efficiency

As you know, your home’s air conditioning works hard to keep the air in your home cool and comfortable for you and your family. And, the hotter it gets, the harder it has to work. That’s why it’s so important to minimize the amount of heat in your home, especially when the temperatures outside are soaring. Below, we’re sharing five easy things you can do right away to help keep the heat out – and your air conditioning system running as efficiently as possible.

  1. Minimal use of appliances that heat up your home: This includes home appliances like ovens, stoves, and dryers. When you run these appliances, they naturally cause your home to heat up – and your AC to work harder.
  2. Turn off ventilation fans when not in use: Your ventilation fans in the bathroom and kitchen do a great job of drawing the heat out of your home when you’re showering or using the stove. But, they can also draw the cool air out, so make sure they’re off when you’re not using them to remove heat from your living space.
  3. Close windows and doors: Open windows and screen doors can let the heat into your home, and allow the cooled air to escape. When your air conditioning system is running, closing windows and doors will help keep the cool air in where it belongs, and your AC won’t have to work so hard to do its job.
  4. Change the direction of your ceiling fans: Set your ceiling fans so they turn in the counterclockwise direction. This allows the cooled air to be pushed down into your living space, rather than be drawn up to the ceiling.
  5. Consider dehumidification: Humid air holds the heat. Your air conditioning system removes some of the humidity from your indoor air, but if it’s especially humid inside your home, you can help your AC system operate more efficiently by installing a dehumidifier to remove the excess moisture.

Call Stafford Mechanical Services if you’re concerned about your AC’s efficiency.

If you’re concerned that your air conditioning system is using more energy than it should be, it may be time to have a professional check it out. You may need air conditioning maintenance, or possibly a repair. At Stafford Mechanical Services, we work hard to make sure our customers enjoy the greatest level of home comfort possible. Our skilled technicians are able to troubleshoot virtually any make and model of air conditioning system, including Carrier® products. We’ll thoroughly diagnose your system and get to the bottom of any issues, including system inefficiency. Just give us a call at (860) 684-9485, and we’ll be glad to schedule an appointment with you.

Do You Have Pets? Then You Might Need These HVAC Products.

Woman and dog on couch next to a ductless unitFor many people, sharing their home with a pet is a rewarding experience. While there are all types of pets in homes across the country, in the United States, people are most likely to own dogs, cats, or both. Of the approximately 85 million households with pets across the country, more than half of them call a canine or a feline a member of their family.

With pet ownership comes responsibility, of course. Most pet owners will tell you that they view their four-legged friend as a member of the family. As a dog or cat parent, there are a few things you can do to help your pet enjoy better comfort – and help the humans in your home in the process!

Keeping Your Pet Comfortable at Home

Most families can’t spend their entire day at home with their pets and often choose to contain them in a specific area of their home while they’re away at work or school. It’s important to keep those areas comfortable for your pets, especially during the summer months. This is especially true if you need to crate your pet for any length of time. If the room you keep your pet in while you’re away from home isn’t air-conditioned, it can get uncomfortably hot for your dog or cat. Fortunately, there is an easy way to make this space in your home more pet (and human) friendly – ductless air conditioning.

Unlike window air conditioning, a ductless unit won’t block out your furry friend’s window view, because ductless systems are attached high on your wall or ceiling. You also won’t have to worry about any cords being chewed, pulled, or unplugged like you might a window unit. And, ductless is easy to control – some systems can even be attached to your Wi-Fi, so on those days when the temperatures might get unexpectedly hot, you can turn the ductless unit on for your pet remotely. What’s more, ductless AC is energy-efficient, so you’ll use less energy than you would with a window air conditioner. And, it makes the space it’s installed in more comfortable and accessible for your entire family – furry or human!

Cutting Down on Pet Fur, Dander, and Allergies: 5 Tips

Of course, sharing a home with a dog or a cat also means sharing your home with their fur and dander. And, for pet owners who may suffer from some allergies, this can cause some discomfort. Here are a few tips to help you keep your home as free from fur and dander as possible – and a few ways Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. can help, too.

  1. Groom your pet regularly. Cats and dogs can always benefit from a good brushing and occasional baths. This helps you control their shedding and keep unwanted hair (at least to a larger degree) off furniture and clothing. And, keep in mind that some dog breeds require frequent professional grooming to best keep their fur under control.
  2. Vacuum carpeted areas often. Especially in the spring and fall, when your pets tend to shed the most. You’ll want to vacuum at least weekly, and likely more often during prime shedding months. And, keep tiled and wood floors swept and damp-mopped as well. You may even want to vacuum your upholstered furniture, too, as it tends to be a pet hair magnet.
  3. Keep your pet’s bed – and your bed – clean and fresh. If your pet uses a pet bed, it’s important to keep it as clean as possible if you don’t want excessive fur flying around your home. If you share your bed with the resident kitty or doggo, you’ll want to make sure you regularly wash your bedding, too.
  4. Make sure your HVAC filter is clean. Your HVAC filter gets dirty with use, but when you have pets, it can become clogged more quickly. That’s because pet hair easily circulates through the air in your home – and through your HVAC system. If you know how to check and change your own filter, you’ll probably want to do so more often if you share your home with furry friends. If you’re not sure, just give Stafford Mechanical a call and we’ll be happy to help!
  5. Consider installing indoor air quality products. Many people with pet allergies still choose to keep a cat or dog in their home, in spite of feeling sniffly or sneezy. Very often, people are allergic to the dander – the tiny flecks of skin shed by pets. Certain types of indoor air quality products, like air purifiers, can help to cut down on the amount of dander in your home’s air. Stafford Mechanical offers air purification systems that can help!

Call Stafford Mechanical for the products you need to keep your family comfortable.

Whether you’re looking for a cooling system that can help your entire family – furry and human – more comfortable, or indoor air quality products that can help control pet hair and dander, Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. can help you. Just give us a call at (860) 684-9485, and we’ll be happy to discuss your options with you!

When Is It Time to Replace My Old Air Conditioning System?

Technician repairing an AC systemIf you’ve been concerned about the aging air conditioning system in your home, but you’re not sure whether or not it’s time to replace it, you’re not alone. Most of the time, people wait until their air conditioner finally breaks down to replace it. Unfortunately, this can be costlier than replacing it before that final breakdown. But how do you know that your AC needs to be replaced? The good news is, there are a few telltale signs you can be on the lookout for.

In this article, we’ll explain what those signs are – and we’ll also tell you how they can sap money from your wallet over time. And, we’ll share with you how Stafford Mechanical Services can help you get the air conditioning you need – for less. Keep reading to find out the five signs that you can look out for that could indicate that it’s time for an air conditioning replacement in your home.

5 Signs Your AC Needs Replacement

  1. Your air conditioning system is more than 10 years old. When air conditioning equipment reaches a certain age – usually around 10 years – its efficiency levels start to decrease, especially if it hasn’t received the maintenance it needs. Often, there are new technologies within that time frame as well, that make newer equipment operate more efficiently. An inefficient system will have a direct impact on your energy bills, so if you notice an unusual increase, it could be that your older equipment is simply not operating as efficiently as it should.
  2. You’re calling for repairs more often than you’d like. Often, an increase in the need for air conditioning repair calls and an increase in your energy bills go hand-in-hand. This is due to inefficiency, and also due to your system simply having to work harder to effectively keep your home cool.
  3. There are hot spots and cold spots throughout your home. There are a few culprits that could be causing this, including duct issues, poor insulation, and improper equipment operation. If your duct system is in good working order, and you have the right levels of insulation throughout your home, it’s likely that your older AC system is just not working as well as it used to.
  4. Your home is very humid. Part of an air conditioning system’s job is helping to remove humidity from the air. If it isn’t doing that efficiently anymore, then chances are it needs replacement. Because humid air tends to hold the heat, it takes more energy for your AC to cool the air to the temperature you’d prefer, and your home comfort level is probably not where you’d like it to be, either.
  5. Your air conditioning system is noisy. All air conditioning systems, new or old, obviously make some noise when they operate. That’s to be expected. But if your AC is making a loud, unusual noise, it could indicate that your air handling unit needs replacement, which unfortunately can be costly. If your system is older and out of warranty, many times it is more cost-effective to replace the unit rather than the coil.

When you need air conditioning services, Stafford Mechanical can help.

At Stafford, we understand that nobody wants to think about having to replace their air conditioning equipment. We know new air conditioning installation can be costly, but we also know an older, inefficient system that needs frequent repair can often cost you more in the long run. When you schedule a consultation with us, we’ll provide you with an honest assessment of your current system. If you don’t need new equipment or simply need a couple of cost-effective repairs, we’ll tell you. But, if you should consider replacement, we’ll explain to you why, and how we can help.

Right now, we can help you save up to $1,650 on a new system with manufacturer rebates, with additional utility rebates available to you on some models. This special offer is only available through June 30, 2021, so call us today at (860) 684-9485 to learn more. We look forward to helping you get the comfort – and energy efficiency – you and your family deserve.

Spring Into Better Home Comfort with Ductless

Illustration of a family in their home with a ductless systemOnce spring arrives, people often start to think of the warmer weather ahead. Many people have central air conditioning systems that rely on the home’s duct system installed in their homes. However, homeowners who don’t have ductwork or have added or enhanced areas of their homes may be wondering if there is any sort of AC system available that can help keep them cool and comfortable. Luckily, there is – ductless air conditioning.

Homes with baseboard or radiant heat, for instance, often do not have a system of ductwork, and that can make it impractical or impossible to install a central air conditioning system. Ductless cooling is a great solution to that problem. And because ductless can be installed using either multiple units or just a single unit, it’s also a very practical solution for those who have built an addition or converted space in the home that isn’t attached to the home’s duct system. In this article, we’ll talk about the benefits of ductless cooling, and how it can help you and your family enjoy greater home comfort.

Why choose ductless cooling for my home?

Of course, as we mentioned above, ductless is a great choice for installations where adding ductwork is not a great option, or in rooms outside your home’s duct system. But there are many other benefits to choosing ductless that you might not be aware of. Keep reading to learn more:

  • Energy Efficiency: Because they rely on heat pump technology, ductless systems are highly energy-efficient, helping you save on energy bills, whether you use ductless in a single space or all throughout your home.
  • Sleek Design: Unlike clunky window air conditioners, ductless units are installed high on your wall or on your ceiling, allowing them to provide unobtrusive comfort that doesn’t take up room in your living space.
  • Quiet Operation: Speaking of window air conditioners, in addition to blocking your view and taking up space, they are notoriously loud. Ductless is whisper-quiet, so all you’ll notice is the comfort they provide.
  • Better Air Quality: Ductless systems filter the air before it enters your living space, helping to remove particulates like dust, pollen, and mold. And that helps you breathe fresher, cleaner air!
  • Ease of Use: Ductless systems are easy to control, most via remote. You’ll be able to easily adjust the temperature so it’s just right for you!
  • Year-Round Use: While some homeowners choose to install only ductless air conditioning, there are units available that can provide both cooling and heating, making them the perfect choice for those who need a year-round comfort solution.

How can I learn more about ductless cooling and heating systems?

Finding out if ductless is the right choice for your home is as easy as calling Stafford Mechanical Services. We’ll help you choose the home comfort solution that’s best for you, your family, and your home. Simply give us a call at 860.684.9485, and we will be more than happy to help you.

5 Reasons to Get Air Conditioning Maintenance this Spring

technician performing AC maintenanceMarch means that spring has arrived, and that means warmer weather will be here soon, too. For many people, it might seem too early to start thinking about their home’s air conditioning system. But, there’s really no better time than the present to call Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. to book your spring maintenance. Appointments tend to fill up fast, so you’ll want to get one scheduled before the warm weather hits!

Of course, you might be wondering why you should even bother with annual maintenance. You might think it’s an unnecessary expense, or not really important for your system. However, there are many reasons why getting preventive maintenance is a good idea – not only for the comfort of you and your family, but for the efficiency, effectiveness, and durability of your equipment as well.

Why should I get annual maintenance for my air conditioning system?

Many people don’t really think about their home comfort system – until something goes wrong with it. But your home’s air conditioning system is a complex machine with many moving parts, and needs preventive maintenance so it can last longer and operate better. Below are five reasons why getting AC maintenance is so important – learn more:

1. Improved energy efficiency. When the coils and filter of your air conditioning system get dirty, this can make your system have to work harder than usual. Annual maintenance will provide the cleaning your system needs to run more smoothly and in turn, use less energy.

2. Cleaner indoor air. As we mentioned above, components of your air conditioner can get dirty over time. Have you ever turned on your system and instantly noticed a musty smell? That’s because your AC’s evaporator coils play host to mold and mildew. Preventive maintenance includes coil and filter cleaning – helping to keep the air in your home fresher.

3. Longer life for your equipment. Maintenance provides your air conditioning system with the vital cleaning it needs. Your technician will also check to make sure all components are working properly and that refrigerant levels are where they should be. All of these measures will help to ensure any small problems with your AC are taken care of before they become larger ones that can lead to system failure.

4. Warranty maintenance. If you look at your original manufacturer’s warranty, you might notice that in order to keep your warranty intact, you must get regular maintenance for your system. Why is this important? Should your system need larger, more expensive repairs, your warranty can help you save money. Getting annual maintenance is a good safeguard – for your AC system and your warranty!

5. More effective cooling. Of course, the primary reason why you have an air conditioning system in the first place is so you can keep your home cool all summer long – and sometimes, even into the fall. If you’ve noticed your home isn’t as cool and comfortable as usual, that’s generally a good signal that your AC need a check-up. By getting the annual maintenance your system needs, it will operate much more effectively – helping you and your family stay comfortable.

How can Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. help me get the AC maintenance I need?

At Stafford Mechanical Services, we’re pleased to provide our customers with a complete lineup of air conditioning products and services, including annual maintenance. To learn more, or to schedule your AC maintenance, all you need to do is give us a call at (860) 684-9485, and we’ll be happy to help.

When You Need Better Heating in Your Home, Ductless Can Help!

Woman sitting on couch next to a ductless unitWith so many people working and going to school from home this year, many homeowners are looking for ways to maximize all the spaces in their homes. Additions, seasonal rooms, and converted spaces are often used on a limited basis throughout the year, many times because they simply don’t have access to the home’s duct system. While people may utilize space heaters and window air conditioning as a means to keep these areas climate-controlled, there is a better, more efficient way – ductless heating and cooling.

Ductless heating and cooling systems operate outside of the home’s ductwork, making them a great choice for the above-mentioned areas. So, if you’ve been trying to maximize your home by creating a home office or classroom in these areas, but they’re just not as comfortable as you’d like, a ductless system may be a viable choice for you. Not to mention, ductless systems offer simple installation, so you’ll be able to enjoy comfort in that space quickly.

Aside from year-round comfort, how can installing a ductless system benefit my home?

While being able to enjoy all the spaces in your home, no matter what the weather is like outside, is a significant benefit, you may be wondering if there are other ways ductless can help you and your family. Below, learn more about the benefits of installing a ductless system:

  • Ductless systems are discreet. Unlike space heaters that can take up a lot of floor space, or window air conditioning systems that can be loud and obtrusive, a ductless system is mounted high on the wall or ceiling. And, most systems are whisper-quiet, so you’ll stay comfortable without the noise often associated with room heating and cooling equipment.
  • Ductless systems are energy-efficient. Many ductless systems use heat pump technology. This is one of the most energy-efficient heating and cooling technologies available. Your ductless system will likely operate far more efficiently than a window unit or space heater, and provide you and your family with discreet, year-round comfort.
  • Some ductless systems may qualify for an incentive through your utility company. So not only will you be saving money on your energy bills in the long run, you could potentially save money on your new ductless system upfront!
  • Installation is usually quick and mess-free. Unlike a ducted system, your ductless heating and cooling unit can be installed with minimal construction. That’s because the indoor and outdoor components of the system are connected by a small-diameter tube. You’ll be able to enjoy comfort in a matter of hours – without a lot of construction clean-up.
  • Ductless can help your main HVAC system work more effectively and efficiently. That’s because a ductless system eliminates those hot or cold spots in your home. Your main HVAC equipment won’t have to work as hard to heat or cool the entire house – helping you save on energy bills!
  • Comfort control is as easy as pushing a button. Most ductless systems can be operated via remote control, so anyone using the room will be able to easily adjust the temperature as appropriate.

Stafford Mechanical Services can help you get the ductless system you need for your home.

At Stafford Mechanical Services, your comfort is always our priority. We can help you decide if a ductless heating and cooling system is right for you, and install it for you promptly. All you need to do is give us a call at (860) 684-9485, and we’ll be happy to help you find the ductless solution you need.

Air Conditioning System on the Fritz? We Can Help!

When the summer temperatures get too hot to handle, most people turn to their home’s air conditioning system for relief and comfort. Our home cooling systems allow us a reprieve from the summer heat, giving us space to relax, cool down, and sleep better at night. But, if your home’s AC system is acting up, you and your family might not be enjoying the best comfort possible.

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Fortunately, there are a few ways you can tell if your air conditioning system needs some service. Of course, if it isn’t operating at all, you should call your HVAC contractor and schedule an appointment right away. But, there are a few other indicators that are more subtle, but can point to air conditioning concerns that shouldn’t be ignored.

5 Signs You May Need AC Repair Services

If you’re concerned that your air conditioner isn’t performing as well as it should, here are a few signs that you might need some repairs:

  1. Utility bills are on the rise. If you’ve noticed an increase in your utility bills that seems unusual, there is a chance your AC is working harder than it has to be. This could indicate an issue with your system – it could be as simple as a dirty filter. Check your filter first; if that’s not the problem, it’s probably time to give Stafford Mechanical Services a call.
  2. Different temperatures throughout your home. If you have central air and notice that some rooms are noticeably warmer than others, there could be a problem with your air ducts or the sizing of your current AC system.
  3. Noises coming from your unit. Obviously, your air conditioning system will make some noise when it runs. But if those noises sound like grinding, whining, or pinging, it could indicate an issue with your system.
  4. Your home is dustier than usual. If you’re noticing extra dust flying through the air when your system is operating, chances are you need to change the filter in your system. This is a simple measure that you can do yourself, but if you’re not comfortable with that, our technicians are happy to help.
  5. You’re just not comfortable. Maybe you have to keep adjusting your thermostat, or maybe your system isn’t cooling your home down as well as it should. If you’re noticing that your AC system is simply not keeping you as comfortable as it has in the past, you may need some repairs.

Getting the air conditioning repair you need is as easy as calling Stafford Mechanical.

At Stafford Mechanical Services, we’re ready to help you get the air conditioning repair services you need to be comfortable all summer long. We take great pride in not only providing our customers with top of the line equipment from brands such as Carrier®; we are also pleased to offer you professional services from our expert technicians. So, if you need repair services, give us a call at (860) 684-9485. We’ll be happy to help with all your home comfort needs.

Need Air Conditioning Maintenance? Stafford Mechanical Can Help!

The air conditioning system you have installed in your home was likely a costly investment. Much like a vehicle, your AC system works hard to provide for you, and, like your car, it’s a complex machine with many moving parts. Of course, you have your car maintained on a regular basis – making sure it gets the oil changes, tune-ups and small repairs it needs to keep running perfectly for you. You also need to do the same thing for your air conditioning system.

For AC maintenance,
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During the heat of the summer, it’s likely your AC system runs most of the time, keeping your home cool and your family comfortable. It’s important to know that this frequent running can cause wear and tear on your system. Your best bet? Choosing air conditioning preventive maintenance services from a reliable HVAC contractor, like Stafford Mechanical Services. When you choose to work with us, you’ll discover the benefits of annual AC maintenance.

Here’s how AC maintenance can help your system perform better.

Many people don’t know the direct benefits air conditioning maintenance offers their system. There are several reasons to choose annual preventive maintenance, however, that will help preserve your system. Here are just a few reasons why you should consider AC maintenance for your system:

  • Your system will operate more effectively. This just stands to reason, because maintenance cleans your system and makes sure all the moving parts are working at top performance. And, getting maintenance annually can help ensure that your system works great not just this summer, but for years to come.
  • Your AC will be more efficient. An air conditioning system that has to operate while dirty, or with vital components not working as well as they should, takes more energy than a system that receives regular maintenance. A well-maintained system is more efficient, and can help you save money on your utility bills.
  • Your indoor air quality may improve. As we said previously, if you’re system isn’t well-maintained, the chances are it’s also dirty. And that can mean contaminants are being circulated throughout your indoor air every time your air conditioner runs. Annual maintenance means your system is thoroughly cleaned – reducing particulates in your home’s air.
  • Your warranty will remain intact. People may not realize this, but most of the time HVAC manufacturers require regular system maintenance to keep the warranty intact. If you fail to get maintenance and your system breaks down, you might end up with a voided warranty – and a large repair bill that otherwise may have been covered.
  • You probably won’t have to deal with a major breakdown. Nobody wants to find out that their AC system needs repairs. But one of the benefits of regular maintenance is that your HVAC technician will spot small problems before they become larger ones. So you’ll be able to remedy the concern right away, so it doesn’t become an expensive repair down the road.

Stafford Mechanical can help you get the air conditioning maintenance you need.

We take great pride in not only providing our customers with top of the line equipment from brands such as Carrier®; we are also pleased to offer you professional services from our expert technicians. So, if you need to schedule annual air conditioning maintenance, give us a call at (860) 684-9485. We’ll be happy to help with all your home comfort needs.

Ductless Air Conditioning Keeps You Cool; Clears the Air

Man and woman seated on yellow couch with wall unit If you need air conditioning for your home, you’re likely discovering that you have many options when it comes to cooling systems. Traditional ducted systems are great, if you have available ductwork throughout your home. But installing ductwork can be a costly, not to mention messy, venture. And in some homes, no room was left in the walls during original construction to accommodate ductwork.

For ductless AC info,
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But you don’t have to settle for either being too hot, or installing window air conditioners. That’s because ductless systems are simple to install, require no ductwork, and can be up and running in no time, with a minimum of construction. Ductless air conditioning systems only require that a small hole is drilled in the wall, to connect tubing between the outdoor and indoor units. Whether you need air conditioning in one room in your home, like a new addition, finished basement or converted attic, or you need cooling throughout, ductless is a great option.

And, ductless systems provide many other benefits, including improved indoor air quality.

Many people are turning to ductless air conditioning not only for the cool comfort, but for the many additional benefits these systems provide. Ductless AC is highly efficient, and that can help you save on your energy costs. That’s because ductless systems offer targeted, easily controlled cooling per room or zone, and many times use heat pump technology – one of the most efficient ways to keep your home comfortable. And, ductless offers advanced filtration – something that’s important to many homeowners in today’s world.

Ductless air conditioning provides multi-stage filtration that helps to decrease particulates and contaminants in your indoor air, including bacteria, dust, allergens and pollen. Some models are able to remove up to 99 percent of bacteria and viruses from the air that circulates throughout your home – making them beneficial for anyone who suffers from allergies, respiratory conditions, or who simply wishes to enjoy fresher, cleaner air.

How can I learn more about the benefits of ductless air conditioning?

You might be surprised to learn that the benefits of ductless don’t stop with improved comfort, efficiency and air quality. There are several more reasons why ductless is an incredible choice for your home comfort.

  • Ductless systems also provide energy-efficient heating.
  • Ductless systems provide extremely quiet operation.
  • Ductless systems are unobtrusive, and can blend seamlessly into your home.
  • Ductless units are easily operated via remote control.
  • Many utility companies offer rebates and incentives for high-efficiency ductless installations.

As you can see, ductless air conditioning offers incredible benefits to the homeowner, increasing the value of your home and even more importantly, the comfort of you and your family.

How can I get ductless air conditioning installed in my home?

Getting ductless installed in your home is easy! Simply call Stafford Mechanical Service and we will be glad to help you. We put our customers first – please rest assured we are following all CDC guidelines to keep you and your family safe during this time. Your comfort, health and safety is always our priority. Give us a call at (860) 684-9485 and we’ll be glad to help.