Spring Allergies? Learn How to Stop the Sniffles and Sneezes in Their Tracks.

woman with seasonal allergiesNow that the spring season has arrived, many people are looking forward to warmer days ahead. The higher temperatures and sunny days help the flowers blossom and the trees bud and that can make our springtime landscape beautiful. But for those of us who suffer from seasonal allergies, the blooming flowers and trees can also mean sniffles and sneezes.

While there isn’t much you can do to stop the pollen and other allergens from being in the air you breathe outdoors, there are some measures you can take inside to help mitigate their effects indoors. In this article, we’ll share some practical tips on how you can keep allergens at bay and tell you about some great indoor air quality products that can help.

5 Tips to Keep Allergens Out of Your Home

Spring allergies can be quite bothersome, but there are steps you can take to minimize allergens in your home. Learn more about how you can keep those pesky spring allergens at bay:

  1. Close Your Windows: As tempting as it is to let in the fresh spring air, keeping your windows closed helps prevent pollen from entering your home. Opt for using an air conditioner instead of a fan, which can draw in outdoor air.
  2. Choose the Right HVAC Filter: Make sure your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system has a good-quality filter. Regularly change the filter to ensure it effectively traps allergens like pollen and dust.
  3. Spring Cleaning: Regular cleaning can significantly reduce indoor allergens. Vacuum your home frequently using a vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA filter. Launder clothes promptly to remove any pollen that might have hitchhiked inside.
  4. Keep Your Pets Clean: Our furry friends can carry pollen indoors on their fur. Regular grooming and wiping down your pets with a damp washcloth can help minimize allergen transfer.
  5. Shower After Being Outside: When you come home, take a quick shower and change your clothes. This helps remove any pollen clinging to your skin and hair.

Remember, these steps can make a difference in managing spring allergies and creating a more comfortable living environment.

Indoor Air Quality Products That Can Help

Sometimes, even after you take all the necessary measures to keep allergens out of your home, you still may find that your indoor air quality is not what you’d like it to be. That’s when you should consider more advanced indoor air quality products, including:

  • Air Filtration: Air filters are beneficial because they trap pollutants, allergens, and other pathogens that can cause poor indoor air quality.
  • Air Purification: Stafford Mechanical Services proudly offers the Air Knight, one of the most advanced air purification systems on the market today. The Air Knight system uses a unique new indoor air quality process to naturally produce ionic oxidizers that proactively seek out and purify pollutants in the air AND on surfaces.

Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. is ready to help with your IAQ needs.

The quality of the air inside our homes is important. You can count on Stafford Mechanical Services to help you when it comes to your indoor air quality needs. You may contact us via phone at (860) 684-9485. We look forward to helping you with all your comfort needs.

Improve Your Indoor Air Quality for Comfort & Joy This Holiday Season

family at home during the holidaysThe holiday season is a special time of year for most of us when we look forward to inviting family and friends into our homes to celebrate the season. Unfortunately, holiday guests can often bring with them allergies, colds, and other viruses. The good news is that you can keep the air cleaner and more comfortable this winter by choosing indoor air quality, or IAQ, products for your home.

Air filtration, air purifiers, and humidifiers are all helpful products once the winter season arrives. In this article, we’ll explain how each of these products can help improve your home’s indoor air quality – and help you keep the season merry and bright! Keep reading below to learn more.

3 Products That Can Help Improve Your IAQ

Today’s indoor air quality products are made with the homeowner in mind. Many modern homes are much more airtight than they were in the past. While this is great for energy efficiency, it can mean that the air circulating throughout your home and HVAC system can become stale and dry. Luckily, the following products can help keep your indoor air clean, fresh, and comfortable.

Air Filtration

If you see specks floating in the air in your home, or if you notice that your furniture needs to be dusted often, chances are you need to improve the air filtration in your home. Air filtration products benefit your home by trapping the pollutants, allergens, and other pathogens that can cause poor indoor air quality.

Proper filtration can also help your home’s HVAC system operate more effectively and efficiently because the air moving in and out of the system is cleaner. In homes where there are allergy sufferers, proper filtration is vital, because it helps to remove common allergens like dust, dander, and pollen.

Air Purification

Many people think air filtration and air purification are the same. However, there are differences, and today’s air purifiers are made to keep harmful contaminants, viruses, and bacteria at bay. For instance, the Air Knight purification system we offer is one of the most advanced air purifiers on the market today. It uses a process that proactively seeks out and purifies pollutants in the air and on surfaces.

The Air Knight is a virtually maintenance-free unit that reduces odors, air pollutants, chemical odors, smoke, mold, bacteria, and viruses. Because of this, the Air Knight is often recommended for homes with anyone with respiratory concerns such as allergies or asthma.


The winter season can bring with it dry, uncomfortable indoor air, especially in homes that use a forced-air heating system, such as a furnace. If the air in your home is overly dry, you’ll notice things like dry, flaky skin, itchy eyes, static electricity, and creaky wood furniture and fixtures. All of these are sure signs that your home’s air needs more moisture.

A whole-home humidification system uses your ductwork and HVAC system to deliver moisturized air throughout your home. Depending on the size of the humidifier, it can deliver between 12-18 gallons of water vapor per day. Aside from making the air in your home more comfortable, a whole-home humidifier may also allow you to reduce your temperature settings and save on heating costs, too.

How can Stafford Mechanical Services help my family get cleaner, fresher indoor air?

At Stafford Mechanical Services, we know that now, more than ever, the quality of the air we breathe every day is important. That’s why we’re pleased to provide you with a full range of IAQ products that can help you and your family breathe easier, this winter and all year round. Give us a call at (860) 684-9485 and we’ll be more than happy to tell you more about our indoor air quality products and how we can help you enjoy fresher, cleaner air.

Staying Safe When Outdoor Air Quality Is Poor

woman stands inside home looking out at smoke from wildfiresWith the recent wildfires in Canada and the subsequent effect they’re having on our local environment, you may be wondering what you can do to stay safe when the outdoor air quality is poor. It isn’t as simple as staying indoors until the poor air quality warnings expire, because that outdoor air can find its way into your home and cause issues for you and your family. If you’re worried about the current air quality and want to safeguard yourself and your family, here are a few simple suggestions you can follow.

  1. Wear a mask if you must go outdoors. Masks can help you keep from inhaling pollutants, like pollen or smoggy air. Make sure the mask fits tightly around your nose and mouth.
  2. Keep your windows closed. While it’s always tempting to open windows this time of year, on days when the air quality outside is poor it’s a good idea to keep them shut – and keep the pollutants outside.
  3. Avoid running window fans and AC units. This can bring polluted air indoors. And while you can’t see the particles in the air caused by fires or pollinating plants and trees, they’re there, and can easily enter your home via your fans or air conditioners.
  4. Check the air quality regularly. As we’ve seen recently, the air quality can change dramatically over the course of just a few hours. The AirNow website has up-to-date information as well as air quality forecasts, so you can plan accordingly.
  5. Consider air purification. An air purifier can help to remove pollutants from the air in your home. You can buy portable air purifiers at most larger department and home improvement stores. If you or a family suffers from respiratory conditions, you may want to talk to an HVAC professional about whole-home air quality solutions.

Of course, you can always count on Stafford Mechanical Services to help you should you have any additional concerns about the quality of the air in your home. Just give us a call at (860) 684-9485 and we will be more than happy to help you.

Stafford Mechanical Services Can Help You Breathe Easier This Spring

family sits in living roomOnce spring and early summer arrive, trees start to bud and flowers start to bloom, and people all throughout the neighborhood start to get their lawns in shape. While this is a time for enjoying the beauty of nature, it can also be difficult for anyone who suffers from seasonal allergies.

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Pollen from trees, flowers, and grass is often the main culprit when it comes to allergies and can cause discomfort including sniffling, sneezing, and itchy, watery eyes. While there isn’t a lot Stafford Mechanical Services can do to help you while you’re outdoors, we can help you take measures inside your home to keep pollen, mold spores, dust, and other common allergens at bay.

Get the products you need for better indoor air quality, or IAQ.

When you count on us to help you reduce the pollutants in your indoor air, we can provide you with excellent products to help. We offer advanced air purification systems that can help you enjoy cleaner, fresher air, as well as filtration that can keep particles out of your home comfort system – and out of the air in your home. Learn more about our IAQ products below:

  • Air Purification: We offer the Air Knight, one of the most advanced air purification systems on the market today. The Air Knight system uses a unique new indoor air quality process to naturally produce ionic oxidizers that proactively seek out and purify pollutants in the air AND on surfaces. The Air Knight® is virtually maintenance-free and reduces odors, air pollutants, VOCs (chemical odors), smoke, mold, bacteria, and viruses.
  • Air Filtration: Did you know one of the easiest ways you can keep the air in your home cleaner and fresher is simply by making sure your system’s filter is changed regularly? Air filters are beneficial because they trap pollutants, allergens, and other pathogens that can cause poor indoor air quality. We’ll be more than happy to help you with your home’s air filtration, eliminating contaminants so that the air you’re breathing is cleaner.

Count on Stafford Mechanical to help you get the IAQ products you need.

By working with Stafford, you can count on us to provide you with the best indoor air quality equipment available. Our team of talented technicians can help you get the products you need to reduce allergens in your home and enjoy cleaner, fresher air. They’re fully licensed and have received the training they need to provide you with superior service. You may contact us via phone at (860) 684-9485. We look forward to helping you with your indoor air quality needs.

Indoor Air Too Dry? Time to Humidify!

woman itching dry skin at homeWhen the winter weather rolls around and the chillier temperatures creep in, people rely on their home heating system to keep their homes toasty and comfy. If you have a forced-air heating system, such as a furnace or a centralized heat pump, you may have noticed that while the temperature of your home is comfortable, the air in your home might be drier than usual.

That’s because forced-air heating tends to dry out the indoor air, and that can cause a whole host of problems for you and your family. In this article, we’ll talk about how to identify if the air in your home is too dry – and how Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. can help. Keep reading to learn more!

5 Symptoms of Overly Dry Indoor Air

  1. Creaky Floors & Fixtures: Have you noticed your wood floors or furniture creaking? Do your doors make a groaning sound when they open and close? This is probably due to the wood drying out, which means you need better home humidification.
  2. Flaky, Itchy Skin: If you’re dealing with some seriously dry skin this winter, it can be a sure sign that the air in your home is not providing the proper moisture levels. Lotions can help, but having the right humidity level is important, too.
  3. Irritated Eyes, Nose, & Throat: Dry indoor air not only can cause your skin to become dehydrated; it can also affect your mucous membranes. Itchy, watery eyes and nose, and sore throat, can often be attributed to an overly dry environment.
  4. Excessive Static Electricity: Have you noticed laundry clinging, static shock when walking across the carpet, or flyaway hair? Static electricity is more prevalent in a dry environment, so if these symptoms are a problem in your home, the air is likely too dry.
  5. Cracking or Peeling Paint: When the air in your home is too dry, it can affect painted walls, moldings, and fixtures. Paint may crack or start to peel, causing you the expense of having to repaint. By adding moisture to your indoor air, you can help avoid that.

How can Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. help with my humidification needs?

If you think the air in your home is too dry, Stafford Mechanical can help. We can help identify if this is the case, and then assist you with the solutions you need for improved indoor air quality. We will likely suggest a central, whole-house humidifier, which is the easiest and most effective way to help raise your home’s moisture level. Using the air from your furnace and your air ducts, whole-house humidification systems send water vapor through your home – helping to eliminate the symptoms mentioned above and allowing you and your family to enjoy improved home comfort.

We only install humidifiers from the best brands in the industry, because we want you to enjoy a more comfortable home environment now and for years to come. Our technicians are fully licensed and factory trained to provide you with professional installation services completed to your total satisfaction. When you need improved home humidification, trust the professionals at Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. to help you. You may contact us via phone at (860) 684-9485. We look forward to helping you get the humidifier you need for improved home comfort.

How Can I Keep My Indoor Air Cleaner this Allergy Season?

woman sneezing into a tissue as a result of fall allergiesWhile most people look forward to all that the late summer and early fall months have to offer, it can be a less-than-comfortable time for seasonal allergy sufferers. Fall allergies are generally caused by a number of things, but the biggest culprits include mold, ragweed, and other weed pollens. Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot to do when it comes to the air outside during this season, but you can make a difference where the air inside your home is concerned.

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There are a number of indoor air quality, or IAQ, products on the market today that help keep allergens at a minimum inside your home, helping you and your family enjoy fresher, cleaner air. In this article, we’ll talk about how some IAQ products can help clear the air in your home. Keep reading to learn more!

Combat seasonal allergies with indoor air quality products.

As we mentioned above, there are many IAQ products that can help you and your family enjoy better indoor air this allergy season. These include:

  • Air Filtration: Did you know one of the easiest ways you can keep the air in your home cleaner and fresher is simply by making sure your system’s filter is changed regularly? Air filtration is beneficial because they trap pollutants, allergens, and other pathogens that can cause poor indoor air quality.
  • Air Purification: Air purification systems offer advanced air cleaning that can help rid your home’s air of odor, air pollutants, chemical odors, smoke, mold, bacteria, and viruses. For instance, the Air Knight, one of the most advanced air purification systems on the market today, uses a unique new indoor air quality process to naturally produce ionic oxidizers that proactively seek out and purify pollutants in the air AND on surfaces.
  • Humidification: Overly dry indoor air is often associated with forced-air heating, and can exacerbate symptoms for allergy sufferers. It can cause dryness in the eyes, nose, and throat, making allergies feel even worse. Whole-house humidifiers help deliver moisture throughout your home, helping you enjoy better comfort.

Make sure your heating system is ready for cooler weather, too.

A dirty home heating system can contribute to poor indoor air quality as well. That’s because dirt, dust, and other particulates can accumulate in your system. This can be especially problematic if you have a forced air heating system (such as a furnace). When your heating system runs, these particles are distributed into the air you and your family breathe.

Fortunately, getting proper annual heating maintenance can help keep this concern at bay. During maintenance, your technician will make sure your heating system and your furnace filter are clean. They’ll also check to make sure your heating system is operating effectively and efficiently so that you’ll be able to rely on your system once the cooler weather arrives.

Can Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. help me with IAQ and heating maintenance?

At Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc., we’re pleased to offer our customers a number of indoor air quality products, and services. You’ll breathe easier with products that help clean your home’s air, making it fresher, cleaner, and more allergen-free. We can help you get the air filtration and humidification you need for greater home comfort, as well as schedule an appointment with you for your annual heating maintenance. You may contact us via phone at (860) 684-9485. We look forward to helping you with all of your home comfort needs.

Keep Your Whole Home Cool with Ductless

woman relaxing on couch using remote to control ductless unitMost people enjoy the fun in the sun that the summer months have to offer, but they also like being able to escape the heat in a cool, comfortable home. Some may find, though, that there are areas of their home that are simply not as cool as they’d like once the outdoor temperatures start to rise.

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If you have an addition, a space that has been converted into a living area (such as a garage or attic), or a finished basement, those areas may not be connected to your central air conditioning system. If that’s the case, ductless cooling may be the right solution for you. In this article, we’ll talk about the advantages of adding a ductless air conditioning system to your home.

How can ductless improve my comfort and help keep my home cool?

Ductless cooling offers many benefits, whether you choose it to keep a single area in your home cool, or the entire house. For people who don’t have ductwork in their homes (for instance, homes with radiant or baseboard heat), ductless air conditioning is a great option. And, as we mentioned above, it also works well in areas of the home that don’t have access to the duct system like additions or converted spaces. Here are a few reasons why you might consider ductless for your home cooling needs:

  • Energy Efficiency: Ductless cooling is a very efficient air conditioning choice. It is much more efficient than window air conditioning, and when used in conjunction with a central air conditioning system, it can help keep your home cooler and help your existing AC system work more efficiently as well.
  • Ease of Installation: If your home doesn’t have ductwork, a ductless system will be far easier to install than a system that needs ducts to cool your home. Adding ductwork is often impractical or even impossible. Fortunately, a ductless AC system can be installed with minimal construction, as a small-diameter hole to connect the indoor and outdoor unit is all that is needed.
  • Targeted Comfort: Because you can easily control your ductless unit via remote (or even by a smartphone application for some units), you’ll be able to keep your room at the exact temperature you’d like, simply by the push of a button.
  • Quiet Operation: Unlike window units that can be very noisy, ductless air conditioning systems are whisper-quiet, so you’ll only notice that you’re more comfortable. And, they won’t obstruct your view, as they’re usually mounted high on a wall or in the ceiling.
  • Year-Round Comfort: Many ductless systems are operated via a heat pump, so they not only can provide air conditioning during the summer months but heating during the winter. This makes them the perfect option for people who are considering replacing their old baseboard heating system.

Can Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. install ductless cooling in my home?

We can! We are pleased to offer complete ductless air conditioning services, including installation, maintenance, and repair. We can help you choose the best ductless configuration for your home, and our professional technicians will install your new system promptly. To learn more or to schedule an appointment with us, please give us a call at (860) 684-9485, and we’ll be happy to assist you.

Choosing the Right HVAC Contractor

HVAC contractor giving thumbs upWhen you need home comfort solutions from a qualified HVAC professional, it’s important to do your research. Today, there are many HVAC contractors advertising their businesses, and it can be hard to know who to trust to help meet your home comfort needs. You want a professional company that understands heating, cooling, and indoor air quality equipment inside and out, and that can provide you with a range of services including installation, repair, and maintenance.

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There are a few key factors you should consider when choosing an HVAC contractor to help meet your cooling and heating needs. Remember, you’re inviting this company into your home, and putting your family’s comfort in their hands! In this article, we’ll discuss those factors, and how Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. stacks up.

5 Factors to Consider When Choosing an HVAC Company

How long has the company been in business?

In today’s world, many HVAC providers come and go, and that can leave you in an unfortunate situation if you have problems with the equipment they’ve installed or repaired. That’s why it’s vital that you check and see how long the company you’re choosing has been in business. The longer they’ve been in business, the more likely it is they’ve earned a reputation for customer satisfaction. At Stafford Mechanical, we have been providing customers a complete suite of heating and cooling services, including sheet metal duct fabrication, since 1991. That’s more than 30 years of helping customers stay comfortable!

What range of services does the contractor provide?

When choosing an HVAC contractor, you want a company that can help meet your home comfort needs, no matter what the weather outside is like. You’ll want to know they can help you if you have an emergency and can provide you with the services you need to help your heating and cooling system work effectively and efficiently. Stafford Mechanical proudly offers complete HVAC services to our customers, including:

  • Air Conditioning Installation, Maintenance, and Repair
  • Heating Installation, Maintenance, and Repair
  • Ductless System Installation, Maintenance, and Repair
  • Indoor Air Quality Solutions

In addition to our residential services, we provide water heating products, gas piping, sheet metal fabrication, commercial services, and even HVAC systems for your indoor pool.

What licenses and affiliations does the contractor possess?

High standards are important when it comes to the company you choose to help keep you and your family comfortable. A reputable HVAC contractor is licensed to provide the services you need and has certifications above and beyond those licenses. At Stafford Mechanical, we possess numerous credentials, so you can put your trust in us, including:

  • State of Connecticut Unlimited Heating & Cooling Contractor’s License S1
  • State of Connecticut Unlimited Sheet Metal Contractor’s License SM1
  • State of Massachusetts Sheet Metal Contractor’s License – Masters
  • Certified IGSHPA Geothermal Installer
  • Certified NATE-Trained Technicians
  • EPA-Certified Service Technicians

Does the HVAC contractor have a positive rating?

Nowadays, people are looking to the internet and social media to check out reviews and ratings when it comes to choosing an HVAC contractor. Does the business you’re researching have a social media presence? A website? What do their Google reviews look like? At Stafford Mechanical, we invite our potential customers to check out our reviews and our Facebook page. You’ll find we have a 4.6/5-star rating on Google, a 4.8/5-star rating on Facebook, and a 5/5-star rating on Review Buzz. Check out our reviews for yourself!

Does the HVAC contractor offer emergency service?

When looking for an HVAC contractor for your home, you want to find a company that can help you in an emergency situation. Equipment breakdowns don’t happen on a schedule, and a good HVAC contractor understands that. Stafford Mechanical’s service department is available 24-hours for emergency customer service and is here to assure our valued customers that even after the job is done you will be well taken care of in event of any unforeseen emergency heating or cooling repairs.

Learn more about how Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. can help you.

Stafford Mechanical wants to help you and your family with all of your home comfort needs. As you can see, we work hard to provide you with the best professional services available, as well as quality Carrier® products that are built to provide effective, efficient heating and cooling, for years to come. Just give us a call at (860) 684-9485 and we will be happy to assist you!

It’s Almost Fall Allergy Season – Are You Prepared?

young girl blowing her noseSummer is winding down, and before you know it, autumn will arrive. While there are so many things to look forward to in the fall – changing leaves, crisp, sunny days, and pumpkin spice everything – there are unfortunately some culprits that can make the fall season a less than exciting thought. For many people, allergens are on the rise, and that can make autumn a sniffly, sneezy, and uncomfortable time of year.

But you should know, there are products available on the market that can help keep fall allergens at bay in your home, helping you to create a safe haven. In this article, we’ll talk about the two most common autumn allergens, how they can affect you, and the products available that can help keep them out of your indoor air.

First, let’s talk about fall allergy symptoms and the two most common culprits.

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Most of the time, people who have allergies are well aware of the fact that there is some particulate in the air they’re breathing that’s causing a problem. The Allergy & Asthma Foundation of America describes symptoms that include:

  • Sneezing
  • Nasal symptoms – itching, congestion, runny nose
  • Itchy mouth, ears, and eyes
  • Irritated eyes (red, watery, swollen)

They add that mold allergies often produce similar symptoms. Mold, however, can also get into the lungs and cause an uptick in asthma and other respiratory concerns.


While most people enjoy watching the leaves on the trees change to all sorts of beautiful colors, that also signals that those pretty leaves will soon be falling to the ground. Once there, leaves and other organic materials that are beginning to die off become the perfect place for mold to grow. Of course, you might be thinking, “How does that affect my indoor air quality and cause allergies once I’m inside?”

Unfortunately, mold can enter your home on your shoes and clothing. And, because fall tends to be a damp season, areas of your home prone to moisture, like bathrooms and basements, may grow mold more easily this time of year. If you suffer from a mold allergy, it’s important to take all the measures possible to keep mold out of your home – and out of your respiratory system!


Ragweed is one of the main causes of allergic rhinitis in North America, mainly because this plant can grow anywhere. From rolling meadows to cracks in the pavement, where there’s a patch of dirt, there’s an opportunity for ragweed to take root. Ragweed produces about one billion grains of pollen per plant per season, so you can see that anyone with an allergy to it is bound to suffer once it starts blooming – usually late summer throughout the fall season.

Ragweed pollen is also highly mobile and travels easily through the air. That means it can land on your clothing, your hair, and even on your pets! It can enter your home easily that way, as well as through an open window or door. While keeping ragweed pollen out of your home may seem like an impossible feat, there are fortunately some products that can help.

What types of products can help me keep my indoor air free of allergens?

Fortunately for allergy sufferers, there now are several types of products available on the market today that can help you improve your home’s indoor air quality. Learn more about the products offered by Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. below:

Air Filtration: Did you know one of the easiest ways you can keep the air in your home cleaner and fresher is simply by making sure your system’s filter is changed regularly? Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. is happy to help with your air filtration needs. Air filters are beneficial because they trap pollutants, allergens, and other pathogens that can cause poor indoor air quality.

Air Purification: Stafford proudly offers our customers indoor air quality (IAQ) products that keep the air in their homes fresh, clean, and contaminant-free. We offer the Air Knight, one of the most advanced air purification systems on the market today. The Air Knight system uses a unique new indoor air quality process to naturally produce ionic oxidizers that proactively seek out and purify pollutants in the air AND on surfaces.

Okay, I want to learn more about better indoor air quality. What’s next?

Fall allergies don’t have to get the best of you this year – you can count on Stafford Mechanical Services to help you get the products you need to keep mold and pollen at bay. You may contact us via phone at (860) 684-9485. We look forward to helping you with all of your comfort needs.

Do You Have Pets? Then You Might Need These HVAC Products.

Woman and dog on couch next to a ductless unitFor many people, sharing their home with a pet is a rewarding experience. While there are all types of pets in homes across the country, in the United States, people are most likely to own dogs, cats, or both. Of the approximately 85 million households with pets across the country, more than half of them call a canine or a feline a member of their family.

With pet ownership comes responsibility, of course. Most pet owners will tell you that they view their four-legged friend as a member of the family. As a dog or cat parent, there are a few things you can do to help your pet enjoy better comfort – and help the humans in your home in the process!

Keeping Your Pet Comfortable at Home

Most families can’t spend their entire day at home with their pets and often choose to contain them in a specific area of their home while they’re away at work or school. It’s important to keep those areas comfortable for your pets, especially during the summer months. This is especially true if you need to crate your pet for any length of time. If the room you keep your pet in while you’re away from home isn’t air-conditioned, it can get uncomfortably hot for your dog or cat. Fortunately, there is an easy way to make this space in your home more pet (and human) friendly – ductless air conditioning.

Unlike window air conditioning, a ductless unit won’t block out your furry friend’s window view, because ductless systems are attached high on your wall or ceiling. You also won’t have to worry about any cords being chewed, pulled, or unplugged like you might a window unit. And, ductless is easy to control – some systems can even be attached to your Wi-Fi, so on those days when the temperatures might get unexpectedly hot, you can turn the ductless unit on for your pet remotely. What’s more, ductless AC is energy-efficient, so you’ll use less energy than you would with a window air conditioner. And, it makes the space it’s installed in more comfortable and accessible for your entire family – furry or human!

Cutting Down on Pet Fur, Dander, and Allergies: 5 Tips

Of course, sharing a home with a dog or a cat also means sharing your home with their fur and dander. And, for pet owners who may suffer from some allergies, this can cause some discomfort. Here are a few tips to help you keep your home as free from fur and dander as possible – and a few ways Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. can help, too.

  1. Groom your pet regularly. Cats and dogs can always benefit from a good brushing and occasional baths. This helps you control their shedding and keep unwanted hair (at least to a larger degree) off furniture and clothing. And, keep in mind that some dog breeds require frequent professional grooming to best keep their fur under control.
  2. Vacuum carpeted areas often. Especially in the spring and fall, when your pets tend to shed the most. You’ll want to vacuum at least weekly, and likely more often during prime shedding months. And, keep tiled and wood floors swept and damp-mopped as well. You may even want to vacuum your upholstered furniture, too, as it tends to be a pet hair magnet.
  3. Keep your pet’s bed – and your bed – clean and fresh. If your pet uses a pet bed, it’s important to keep it as clean as possible if you don’t want excessive fur flying around your home. If you share your bed with the resident kitty or doggo, you’ll want to make sure you regularly wash your bedding, too.
  4. Make sure your HVAC filter is clean. Your HVAC filter gets dirty with use, but when you have pets, it can become clogged more quickly. That’s because pet hair easily circulates through the air in your home – and through your HVAC system. If you know how to check and change your own filter, you’ll probably want to do so more often if you share your home with furry friends. If you’re not sure, just give Stafford Mechanical a call and we’ll be happy to help!
  5. Consider installing indoor air quality products. Many people with pet allergies still choose to keep a cat or dog in their home, in spite of feeling sniffly or sneezy. Very often, people are allergic to the dander – the tiny flecks of skin shed by pets. Certain types of indoor air quality products, like air purifiers, can help to cut down on the amount of dander in your home’s air. Stafford Mechanical offers air purification systems that can help!

Call Stafford Mechanical for the products you need to keep your family comfortable.

Whether you’re looking for a cooling system that can help your entire family – furry and human – more comfortable, or indoor air quality products that can help control pet hair and dander, Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. can help you. Just give us a call at (860) 684-9485, and we’ll be happy to discuss your options with you!