Advantages of High Efficiency Heating Systems

Person holding a tablet with efficiency bar chart on the screenOver the years, there have been many advances in home heating systems. Today’s equipment is definitely not your grandfather’s, and modern systems are made with energy efficiency and environmental friendliness in mind. Many people still prefer to use gas or oil-burning furnaces for their homes. There has been a movement toward improving these types of systems so they’re much more energy efficient, still while providing you and your family with the comfort you need.

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According to the Department of Energy (DOE), most older furnace systems had efficiencies that ranged between 55 and 70 percent. What this meant for homeowners was that anywhere between 45 and 30 percent of the energy used by these furnaces was lost – making them inefficient, and home heating costly. Now, furnace systems can achieve much higher efficiencies – some up to 98.5 percent! That translates into much less money spent on fuel bills for you, and much less pollution output for our planet.

Many types of high efficiency heating systems are now available.

The DOE indicates that if your heating equipment is old, worn out, inefficient or significantly oversized for your home, the best and easiest solution to the problem is to replace it with a newer, more advanced model. At Stafford Mechanical Services, we can help ensure that your new system not only provides you with better efficiency, but also is the right size and configuration for your home. We can also help you heat areas of your home where ductwork is impossible or impractical, with super-efficient ductless heating.

By adding ductless heating to spaces that have not been typically heated, you’ll be able to balance out the temperature in your home, and your gas, oil or propane furnace won’t have to work as hard. The result is much more comfortable home and better energy efficiency. And of course, maintaining your new heating system will help it stay at its most efficient and effective, so be sure to contact Stafford for your annual heating maintenance needs.

When you count on Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. to help you with your heating needs, we’ll help you get the right system for your home. Our professional technicians will provide you with high-quality equipment and expert installation. We proudly offer Carrier® heating equipment, as well as many other brands. Just give us a call at 860.684.9485, and we’ll be happy to discuss the best type of heating for your home with you.

5 Ways to Keep Warm During a Heating System Breakdown

Woman and child seated by a window reading a bookIt’s Murphy’s Law (or National Lampoon’s Christmas) – if your heating system is going to break down, it’s going to do so when you have a house full of people staying over for the holidays. What can you do if you have all the relatives over, and you suddenly realize that your heating system isn’t working? Well, the first thing we hope you do is give Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. a call. We’re available 24/7 for emergency heating services, and our top priority is keeping you and your family comfortable.

You’ll probably want to keep heat loss at a minimum while you wait for us, though, so here are five simple measures you can take in order to stay comfortable while waiting for service:

Block Window and Door Drafts

Exterior doors and windows can be a top culprit when it comes to home heat loss. Rolling up towels or blankets and placing them at the bottom of your doors and windows can help block cooler air from coming in and warmer air from leaving. If you have a door that goes through your garage or an enclosed porch and need to leave, choose that one instead of one leading directly outside – letting the cold air in will only hasten the drop in your indoor temperatures.

Use Curtains to Keep Heat In

Curtains can work to help you during a heating system breakdown. For instance, you can open curtains a bit if it’s sunny out to let some of the heat from the sun in, or, if it’s dark and dreary out, you can keep them closed so the heat stays in.

Congregate in the Living Room

Or whichever room has the most space to accommodate the whole family. Keep any interior doors shut so the heat stays in, and make sure you have plenty of blankets, sweaters and even hats and mittens. Consider doing something active like dancing or playing games that require movement.

Go Indoor Camping

This sounds funny, we know, but if you have a tent and ample room, put it up inside. The kids will love it, and you can gather inside and tell stories, read books, or just pretend that you’re on a fun camp-out. The tent will serve to capture the heat from your own body, as well as everyone else’s – keeping everyone toasty. Please do not build a fire for s’mores, though – unless, of course, you have a fireplace!

Dream By the Fire

If you do have a fireplace in your home that is operable and well-maintained, you will likely want to get the fire going in the case of a heating system failure. Gas or electric fireplaces are easy enough to turn on and off as needed. Wood fireplaces, as long as the chimney is in good order, are another good choice for keeping your family warm while you wait for repair services.

Of course, we want you to remain safe during your heating emergency. Be mindful of carbon monoxide levels in your home. If your CO detector indicates the presence of carbon monoxide in your home, crack open a window, get your family out of the house and someplace safe, and call your local fire department. Be aware, too, that many portable heaters that run on some form of fuel produce carbon monoxide. Never use one indoors that has been designed for outdoor use, or better yet, use an electric space heater.

When you choose Stafford to help you with your emergency heating needs, we’ll provide you with top-of-the-line service from our highly skilled HVAC technicians. We want to help you save money and most importantly, to stay comfortable no matter how chilly the winter weather gets. When you need emergency heating repair services for your home, rely on us to help. Simply give us a call at 860.684.9485 and we’ll be pleased to assist you.

Need Air Conditioning Services? Count on Stafford!

Woman and child reading a book on a couchThe summer weather has arrived, and with it, the warmer temperatures. In fact, you might have already used your home’s air conditioning system this June. Hopefully, you’ve had it serviced for the year by one of the expert technicians at Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. (If not, you still can give us a call and we’ll be happy to help.) At Stafford, we take great pride in offering our customers a complete listing of air conditioning products and services, because their comfort is one of our top priorities. But what does it mean to be a full-service AC contractor? Can you really rely on us for all your cooling needs?

The answer to that is, simply, yes! We proudly provide some of the best home cooling options available on the market today. We’re always looking out for the latest technologies, and we’re pleased to provide our customers with some great options like ductless and heat pumps that not only offer optimal comfort, but also incredible energy savings. Our professional team of technicians is licensed and trained to provide the best service, whether they’re making repairs or installing a brand-new system in your home. Your satisfaction is very important to us, and we work to ensure your every need is met.

We’re pleased to offer a full array of air conditioning products and services for your home.

We’ll help you decide on which of these great AC products is right for your home:

  • High-Efficiency Air Conditioning: As a Carrier® Factory Authorized Dealer, we proudly install high-quality, high-efficiency Carrier air conditioning systems. They help you and your family stay cool, while offering energy savings that will help keep your utility bills in check.
  • Ductless Air Conditioning: Do you have a room in your home that could benefit from air conditioning, but where ductwork is either impractical or impossible? No problem! You can count on Stafford to provide you with efficient, simple-to-install ductless AC.
  • Geothermal Air Conditioning: Heat pumps are becoming more and more common, since advanced technologies have allowed heat pumps to be used even in colder climates. Geothermal AC uses heat pump technology to make cool, dehumidified air for your home – at a significant operating cost savings!

Stafford also provides expert air conditioning services, including:

  • Air Conditioning Repair: If your AC system breaks down, you need to know you can rely on your contractor to help you right away. Stafford offers 24-hour emergency repair services, so you can trust you’ll get expert repairs on your equipment. That way, you’ll get back to enjoying cool comfort in no time.
  • Air Conditioning Maintenance: If you want to ensure that the AC system in your home provides effective, efficient cooling now and for years to come, getting annual maintenance is important. We’ll make sure your air conditioning system is running smoothly, helping you and your family stay comfortable.
  • Air Conditioning Installation: No matter what type of air conditioning you use in your home – central air, ductless or geothermal – Stafford can provide expert AC installation. Our technicians are licensed and trained, and as a Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer, we offer you the best in AC solutions.

When you need air conditioning services of any kind for your home, trust the professionals at Stafford Mechanical Services to help. We can help you with your Carrier AC, or any other brand. You may contact us via phone at (860) 684-9485. We look forward to helping you with all of your air conditioning needs.

Choosing Ductless: The Benefits May Surprise You!

Living room with ductless unit over a couch

More and more, people are hearing about ductless heating and cooling. However, few people know that there are numerous benefits when it comes to choosing this home comfort technology for their home. Ductless heat pump systems have the capability of keeping your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter, and with advanced technology, many of these systems are adaptable to the cold climate we experience. You can enjoy comfort all year round with today’s ductless – and much more.

Maybe you have an area of your home like an addition, converted attic or garage, or finished basement that could benefit from heating and cooling. Or, perhaps you’re considering replacing your entire antiquated electric heating system. Ductless air conditioning and heating is the perfect solution in both scenarios. That’s because ductless is just as the name indicates – a system that can keep your home comfortable year round, without the need to install additional ductwork.

And because ductless systems use heat pump technology, they are extremely energy efficient.

Each zone (if you install a ductless mini-split system) has its own thermostat. As a result, temperatures throughout the home can be precisely controlled. Because you’re only conditioning spaces that are being used, energy is saved – and ultimately money on your utility bills. And, according to the Department of Energy (DOE), ductless systems are also more efficient because of the simple fact they don’t use ductwork – the DOE indicate that duct losses can account for more than 30 percent of energy consumption for space conditioning.

But beyond the advanced comfort and energy efficiency these systems can provide, many homeowners love ductless because it’s both quiet and unobtrusive. Because ductless systems are so flexible because they come in a number of styles, including high wall, ducted console, and cassette units. Ductless is also engineered to provide low operating noise. Unlike clunky, noisy window units ductless systems can be streamlined to fit into your home environment seamlessly. All you’ll notice is better comfort.

With ductless, you and your family will breathe easier, too.

A final benefit to ductless is its ability to help with allergen control in your home. Each separate unit has its own filter. That lets the air in rooms that have ductless installed be more comfortable, cleaner and fresher. With ductless, the air is circulated within the confined space of the room. That means no cross-contamination such as fumes, dust and odors from other areas of the home.

Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. is ready to assist you with your ductless heating and cooling needs. We proudly service Carrier heating equipment and many other brands as well. You may contact us via phone at (860) 684-9485. We look forward to helping you get into a new ductless system for your home.