How Can A System With No Ducts Keep My House Cool?

Man and woman seated on couch under ductless wall unitDuctless air conditioning seems to be all the buzz lately, and with good reason – this type of system is super-efficient, and there are options available that also allow it to provide heating in the cooler months. But many people still wonder if ductless AC really works as well as HVAC professionals say it does. You should know, many people are choosing ductless to cool their homes these days, and according to an article on the This Old House website, that choice is with good reason.

According to the article, one of the main reasons for people turning to ductless to cool (and heat) their homes is the unparalleled efficiency. That’s because with ductless, there are no worries about air leaks, heat gains, or pressure issues that you might see with other types of systems. And in addition to potentially saving money on your energy bills, many utility companies offer incentives to homeowners installing ductless systems, not to mention the availability of low-interest financing, making it a more affordable option.

How does ductless efficiently cool an entire home?

With ductless, you as a homeowner are able to control how much cool air is needed in different zones throughout your home. When ductless is chosen as a whole-house cooling option, there is usually more than one unit installed in the home, and you have complete control over those individual units. Essentially, that means you can keep individual spaces in your home precisely comfort-controlled, at the simple touch of a button. This multi-unit idea might have you wondering, though, how whole-house cooling can be accomplished without extensive, messy construction work.

Ductless consists of indoor and outdoor units. Because ductless systems do not require air ducts, there is no need to remodel your home. There are many options available, from a single ductless air conditioning unit, to a multi-split system capable of cooling and heating your entire home. All that’s required with a ductless system is a three-inch diameter hole to connect the electrical cables and refrigerant lines between the indoor and outdoor components. That makes a ductless system much easier to install in your home, so you’ll be able to enjoy better home comfort sooner, without a lot of clean up.

But ductless probably isn’t a great choice for northern climates, right?

Many people don’t really consider ductless cooling and heating as a year-round option because they’ve heard the heat pumps that control such a system don’t work great in cooler climates. While it’s true there was a time that heat pump systems weren’t a great choice in areas where the temperatures went below freezing, modern technology has changed all of that. New compressor technology makes it possible for today’s units to work even in areas where temperatures go down to -15 degrees Fahrenheit!

Zoned ductless systems offer ease of installation, incredible efficiency and are a great alternative in homes that do not have available ductwork. You might be surprised to learn that they can help you save up to 30 percent of electricity, when you choose ductless over window AC or central air systems that feed into aging ductwork. Modern advances make mini-split systems a viable option, even in colder climates, and the fact that they can provide both cooling and heating for year-round comfort has made them a key player when it comes to home comfort equipment.

Trust Stafford to help you get the right ductless system for your home.

To learn more about ductless cooling and heating, and if it’s the right fit for your home and lifestyle, all you need to do is give Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. a call. Our comfort specialists will be happy to help you get all the information you need about ductless split systems. We proudly offer high-quality Carrier products for your home. You may contact us via phone at 860.684.9485. We look forward to helping you with your ductless needs.