Don’t Have Your “Ducts” In A Row? Get Ductless!

Woman with remote aimed at ductless wall unit

Keeping cool in the summer can be a challenge, especially when your home isn’t equipped with ductwork. Homes that use radiant or baseboard heat often do not have air ducts in their home, making it nearly impossible, without a lot of remodeling and construction, to install central air conditioning. Many people in this scenario opt for window air conditioning units, which can be loud, block views and waste energy. So what can you do if your home doesn’t have the ducts you need for central air? Choose ductless cooling and heating!

Even though ductless air conditioning has been around for a while now, many people are unfamiliar with it. Or, they may not realize how many benefits there are to choosing ductless over window AC. The fact is, ductless air conditioning provides a whole host of advantages when it comes to cooling your home. It’s versatile, too – so if you need air conditioning throughout your entire home, or just in a specific area, there’s a ductless system that will work for your unique needs.

How can I get a ductless cooling system that works for my home?

When you’re considering air conditioning, it’s always a good idea to talk to a professional, like the ones here at Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. We can help you evaluate your current air conditioning system, and explain to you how we can make ductless cooling work for you. For instance, if you’re living in a home without ductwork throughout, we’ll explain how a ductless mini-split system can deliver targeted cooling to individual areas of your home. Or, if you already have central air but have added areas to your home like additions, finished basements, or a converted attic or garage, ductless is the perfect solution to help make those spaces cool and comfortable year-round.

So, tell me about the benefits a ductless AC system can deliver.

When you choose ductless for your home, you can expect the following great advantages:

  • Targeted Comfort: Ductless systems are generally zoned, so you’ll be able to provide just the right level of comfort depending on the unique needs of your home and family.
  • Ease of Installation: It goes without saying, but ductless systems are simpler to install because they don’t need ductwork to operate. That means a lot less construction mess, and a lot less downtime, too!
  • Better Efficiency: Ductless systems are extremely efficient, and use much less energy than window units. And because they deliver targeted AC, you have much greater control over home comfort levels.
  • Year-Round Comfort: Some ductless systems can provide heating to your home as well. This makes them perfect for additions, or other rooms you want to use all year long but don’t have the necessary ductwork.
  • Quiet Operation: Ductless systems are usually whisper-quiet, which makes them a far more appealing choice than window AC. And, they’re designed to blend seamlessly with virtually any décor.

How can I find out if ductless air conditioning and heating is right for my home?

To learn more about ductless cooling, and if it’s the right fit for your home and lifestyle, all you need to do is give Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. a call. Our comfort specialists will be happy to help you get all the information you need about ductless AC. We proudly offer high-quality Carrier products for your home. You may contact us via phone at 860.684.9485. We look forward to helping you with your ductless needs.